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100字英语作文8篇 :Busy Saturdays 忙碌的星期六


100字英语作文8篇 :Busy Saturdays 忙碌的星期六

  • 英语作文 1: Busy Saturdays

    On Saturdays, I always wake up early. I have a lot of things to do. First, I go to the market with my mom to buy groceries. Then, I help her cook lunch. After lunch, I have piano lessons. In the evening, I do my homework and read books. Saturdays are always busy but fun.



    • wake up - 醒来
    • groceries - 杂货
    • cook - 烹饪
    • piano lessons - 钢琴课
    • do homework - 做作业
    • read books - 读书

    英语作文 2: My Saturday Routine

    Every Saturday, I have a busy schedule. I start my day with a jog in the park. Then, I help my dad with gardening. After lunch, I meet my friends at the library to study. In the afternoon, I play basketball with my brother. I end my day with a relaxing bath. Saturdays are always full of activities.



    • schedule - 日程安排
    • jog - 慢跑
    • gardening - 园艺
    • meet - 见面
    • study - 学习
    • play basketball - 打篮球
    • end - 结束
    • full of activities - 充满活动

    英语作文 3: My Saturday Adventure

    Saturdays are my favorite day of the week. I start with a bike ride in the morning. After that, I go to the art class. In the afternoon, I volunteer at the local animal shelter. I love spending time with the animals. It's a tiring day, but I always feel happy and fulfilled.



    • favorite - 最喜欢的
    • bike ride - 骑自行车
    • art class - 美术课
    • volunteer - 做志愿者
    • animal shelter - 动物收容所
    • fulfilled - 满足的

    英语作文 4: A Busy Saturday

    On Saturdays, I'm always on the go. I begin my day with a quick breakfast and then head to soccer practice. After practice, I have a piano lesson. In the afternoon, I help my mom clean the house. Finally, I meet my friends for a movie night. It's a packed day, but I enjoy every minute of it.



    • on the go - 忙个不停
    • quick breakfast - 快速早餐
    • soccer practice - 足球训练
    • packed day - 满满当当的一天

    英语作文 5: My Saturday Schedule

    Saturdays are always full of surprises. I wake up to the sound of my alarm and start my day with a brisk walk. Then, I help my dad with yard work. After lunch, I go to the library to study. In the evening, I have a dance class. It's a busy day, but I love the variety.



    • surprises - 惊喜
    • brisk walk - 快步走
    • yard work - 院子工作
    • dance class - 舞蹈课

    英语作文 6: My Saturday Activities

    I have a busy Saturday every week. I start with a morning run to keep fit. Then, I go to the community center to volunteer. In the afternoon, I meet my friends for a game of basketball. After that, I help my mom with cooking dinner. Finally, I relax by reading a book. It's a full day, but I feel accomplished.



    • keep fit - 保持健康
    • community center - 社区中心
    • volunteer - 做志愿者
    • relax - 放松

    英语作文 7: My Saturday Routine

    On Saturdays, I have a routine that keeps me busy. I start with a yoga session to clear my mind. Then, I go to the gym for a workout. After that, I meet my friends for lunch. In the afternoon, I go shopping with my sister. In the evening, I enjoy a movie with my family. It's a day full of activities, but I love it.



    • routine - 日常
    • clear my mind - 清理思绪
    • workout - 锻炼
    • shopping - 购物

    英语作文 8: A Day of Activities

    Saturdays are the days when I get to do all the things I love. I start with a bike ride to enjoy the fresh air. Then, I go to the art museum with my family. In the afternoon, I have a piano recital. After that, I help my dad with his gardening. Finally, I end my day with a family dinner. It's a day full of fun and family time.



    • activities - 活动
    • enjoy the fresh air - 享受新鲜空气
    • art museum - 艺术博物馆
    • recital - 独奏会
    • gardening - 园艺
    • family time - 家庭时光