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  • 鼓励孩子自己完成简单的事情,如整理玩具、穿衣服等。
  • 给予孩子适当的自主权,让他们做一些决定,培养他们的决策能力。
  • 在孩子犯错时,给予正确的引导和帮助,而不是代替他们解决问题。



  • 倾听孩子的想法,尊重他们的意见,给予肯定和鼓励。
  • 和孩子分享自己的经历和感受,让孩子感受到家长的关心和理解。
  • 在与孩子沟通时,尽量保持耐心和平和的情绪,避免情绪化的争吵。




Nursery school parent reads surely: Yo result big send out

Regard a nursery school as the parent, yo it is one Xiang Yongyuan's task. Every parent hopes to give the child best growing environment and educational way, but often face all sorts of challenges in practice. In this article, we will share a few Yo result, help you answer a variety of questions in cheeper growing process better.

How to develop the child's independent character

In the process that grows in the child, developing independent character is very important. The parent can help the child foster independent consciousness through the following kinds of means:

  • Encourage him child to accomplish simple thing, if arrange a toy, wear the dress to wait.
  • Give the child proper own right, let them make a few decisions, develop their decision-making ability.
  • When the child errs, offer correct guiding and help, is not to replace them to solve a problem.

How to build good communication with the child

Good communication can the feeling between promotional parent and child, help child understands his feeling and him expression better. It is below a few build good communication method:

  • Listen the child's think of a way, respect their opinion, give affirm and encourage.
  • Experience and experience what share oneself with the child, let the child experience the parent's care and understanding.
  • When be communicated with the child, maintain patience and gentle mood as far as possible, avoid the squabble that the mood transforms.

The Yo that passes above result, believe you to how better Yo had a few new inspiration and knowledge. Hope these experience are shared help somewhat to you, let us try hard together, create better growing environment for children.

Thank you to read the article, hope our Yo the result can be brought to you a few helps and inspire.

