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  • 幼儿园教育理念:了解幼儿园的教育理念和教学目标,以便更好地配合幼儿园老师的教学工作。
  • 幼儿园生活照料:包括饮食、睡眠、个人卫生等方面的注意事项。
  • 幼儿园安全防护:了解幼儿园的安全措施和相关常识,帮助孩子在幼儿园安全健康成长。
  • 幼儿园学习方法:了解适合幼儿的学习方法,帮助孩子建立正确的学习态度和方法。
  • 幼儿园园际交往:帮助孩子建立与同学、老师和其他家长的良好关系,促进孩子社交能力的发展。





Nursery school phase is the important period of baby growing development, parents often need to understand all sorts of Yo knowledge, so that take care of the child better. It is nursery school Yo below practical guideline of knowledge, the hope can provide a help for parents.

Nursery school Yo intellectual encyclopedia

Nursery school is the important level that children accept inchoate education, parents need to understand a few more the following nursery school Yo knowledge:

  • Nursery school teachs a concept: Know the educational concept of nursery school and education cause, so that cooperate the education of nursery school teacher better,work.
  • Nursery school life attends: Include the note of the respect such as sanitation of food, Morpheus, individual.
  • Nursery school safety defends: Understand the safety precaution of nursery school and relevant common sense, help child grows in health of nursery school safety.
  • Nursery school studies a method: Understanding suits the study method of cheeper, help child establishs true study attitude and method.
  • Border of nursery school garden interacts: Help child establishs the good relationship with classmate, teacher and other parent, the development of ability of stimulative child socialization.

Above is nursery school Yo a few serious content of knowledge, parents can be mixed according to his actual condition the child's characteristic has specific aim to the ground refers and learn, help child health spends nursery school time happily.

Acknowledgment reads the article, hope these nursery school Yo a few helps are provided when knowledge is taking care of the child for parents.
