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1. 佳能 EOS 5D Mark IV

佳能 EOS 5D Mark IV凭借其卓越的画质表现、稳定的性能和优秀的视频拍摄功能,成为2018年度最受好评的数码单反相机之一。其30.4百万像素的全画幅CMOS传感器,以及快速、精准的对焦系统,使其成为专业摄影师的首选。

2. 索尼 Alpha A7 III

索尼 Alpha A7 III在全画幅无反相机领域表现抢眼,拥有优秀的低光性能和快速的自动对焦系统。其优秀的电池续航能力,使其成为旅行摄影师的得力助手。

3. 尼康 D850

尼康 D850以其高分辨率的传感器和出色的机身设计脱颖而出,成为专业摄影师和摄影爱好者心中的佼佼者。其快速的连拍速度和卓越的高ISO表现,使其在各类摄影场景中游刃有余。

4. 佳能 PowerShot G7 X Mark II

佳能 PowerShot G7 X Mark II作为一款便携式高性能数码相机,备受Vlogger和旅行摄影爱好者青睐。其卓越的画质表现和稳定的影像防抖功能,使其成为抓拍精彩瞬间的不二之选。

5. 索尼 Cyber-shot RX100 VI

索尼 Cyber-shot RX100 VI以其便携轻巧和出色的拍摄性能,成为众多摄影爱好者的首选。其快速的镜头和卓越的对焦系统,让您随时随地捕捉生活中的精彩瞬间。

6. 富士 X-T3

富士 X-T3以其极速的自动对焦系统和优秀的视频拍摄功能,成为广大摄影爱好者的追捧对象。其出色的机身操作性和紧凑的机身设计,使其成为街拍摄影师的利器。

7. 奥林巴斯 OM-D E-M10 Mark III

奥林巴斯 OM-D E-M10 Mark III作为一款入门级微单,拥有优秀的画质表现和轻巧的机身设计,备受新手摄影爱好者的青睐。其简洁易用的操作界面,让摄影变得更加轻松愉快。

8. 理光 GR III

理光 GR III作为一款专业级的紧凑数码相机,拥有优秀的成像质量和便携小巧的机身设计,备受摄影师的喜爱。其快速的定焦镜头和出色的高感光性能,让您捕捉每一个细节。

9. 索尼 Cyber-shot HX99

索尼 Cyber-shot HX99作为一款高倍变焦便携式数码相机,备受旅行摄影爱好者青睐。其强大的变焦能力和4K视频拍摄功能,让您记录旅途中的每一个精彩瞬间。

10. 佳能 EOS M50

佳能 EOS M50作为一款入门级无反相机,拥有优秀的自动对焦性能和4K视频拍摄功能,深受Vlogger和新手摄影爱好者的喜爱。其便携轻巧的机身设计,让记录生活变得更加便捷。





2018 is competition of digital camera market a intense year, each are big the brand was rolled out in succession numerous taste newly, offerred more alternative for consumer. In numerous number camera, which ability is real star product? The article will announce 2018 year for you optimal number camera recommends odd TOP10 of a list of names posted up, help you make more well-advised buy decision-making.

1.Beautiful can EOS 5D Mark IV

Beautiful can EOS 5D Mark IVBy right of its the performance with outstanding quality performance, steady picture and outstanding video film function, make 2018 year most sheet of reputable reputable number turns over one of camera. Its the sensor of 30.4 1 million full frame CMOS that resemble element, and pair of anxious systems with fast, standard essence, make its make the first selection of professional cameraman.

2.Suo Ni Alpha A7 III

Suo Ni Alpha A7 IIIDo not have in full frame turn over camera domain expression to grab an eye, have outstanding low light function and fast be opposite automatically anxious system. Ability of its outstanding batteries add boat, make its become the one's right hand of viatic cameraman.

3.Ni Kang D850

Ni Kang D850With its the sensor of high resolution and excellent airframe design show itself, become professional cameraman and photography fan the person above average in the heart. Its are fast take speed and outstanding tall ISO show repeatedly, make its are in setting of of all kinds photography do a job with skill and ease.

4.Beautiful can PowerShot G7 X Mark II

Beautiful can PowerShot G7 X Mark IIRegard a portable high-powered number as camera, accept Vlogger and favour of viatic photography lover fully. What its outstanding picture is behaved character and stabilize is video prevent shake a function, make its are become catch those who take wonderful moment not two anthology.

5.Suo Ni Cyber-shot RX100 VI

Suo Ni Cyber-shot RX100 VIWith its portable and deft and film outstandingly function, make the first selection of numerous photography lover. Its quick shot and pair of outstanding anxious systems, let you take the wonderful moment in the life at any time and place.

6.Fuji X-T3

Fuji X-T3With its extremely fast mix automatically to anxious system outstanding video films function, become broad photography fan chase after hold an object in both hands. Its outstanding airframe operates gender and compact airframe design, make its become a street to take the sharp weapon of cameraman.

7.OM-D E-M10 Mark III of Ao Lin Ba Si

OM-D E-M10 Mark III of Ao Lin Ba SiRegard an introduction class as small sheet, have fine painting to pledge expression and deft airframe are designed, accept the favour of novice photography lover fully. Its are concise the operation interface that uses easily, let photography become more relaxed and happy.

8.Manage smooth GR III

Manage smooth GR IIIThe compact number camera that serves as a professional class, have become outstandingly design like quality and portable and cabinet airframe, suffer cameraman fully love. Its focus camera lens and excellent high sensitive performance quickly, let you take each detail.

9.Suo Ni Cyber-shot HX99

Suo Ni Cyber-shot HX99As times taller scorch is portable digital camera, accept favour of viatic photography lover fully. Its powerful scorch ability and 4K video film function, let you record each in journey wonderful moment.

10.Beautiful can EOS M50

Beautiful can EOS M50Do not have as an introduction class turn over camera, have outstanding film automatically to anxious function and 4K video function, get of Vlogger and novice photography lover love. Its portable and deft airframe is designed, let record the life to become more convenient.

Above is 2018 year optimal number camera recommends odd TOP10 of a list of names posted up, the hope can help you find a that when suit his most in numerous number camera. No matter you are lover of professional cameraman, photography, still be abecedarian, can find the digital watch for an opportunity that admire in the heart in sheet of this a list of names posted up.

After reading this article, the hope can help you understand the newest trends of market of camera of 2018 year amount better, buy for yours decision-making provide a help.
