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Soles for beach-lovers 沙滩“隐形鞋”横空出世 Beach lovers rejoice - you can now enjoy a stroll along the beach without burning your feet on the scorching hot sand. 沙滩爱好者们的福音来了。现在你们在享受海滩漫步时不会再被滚烫的沙子灼伤脚底了。 An Italian company has created stick-on soles that can protect your feet when you're clambering over rocks and swimming in the sea. 一家意大利公司发明了一款可粘贴鞋底,可以在你攀岩或在海里游泳时保护你的双脚。 Nakefit's waterproof and cut-proof soles are available for pre-order now, with 10 pairs costing 30 euros. Nakefit防水防割伤鞋底现在可预订,10双售价为30欧元。

The creators say the rubber soles are heat resistant, making them ideal for walking along sandy beaches. 发明者称,这款橡胶鞋底能隔热,使其成为沙滩漫步时的理想选择。 The alternative to flip-flops also is anti-slip, and can be peeled off and on for multiple uses. 作为人字拖的替代品,它还防滑,可以反复穿脱,多次使用。 As well as protecting against the sun, the soles can be worn in the swimming pool to protect against verrucas and other infections. Nakefit鞋底不仅能保护双脚免被太阳灼伤,还可以在游泳池穿着以防止扁平疣和其他感染。 The soles come in black, pink and light blue and a range of sizes for men and women. 橡胶鞋底有黑、粉和浅蓝三种颜色,以及各种男女尺码。

