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  1. 枣庄肉饼:以猪肉和面粉为主要原料,馅料鲜美,入口酥脆,是当地家喻户晓的传统美食。
  2. 汶上驴肉火烧:肉质鲜嫩,香味四溢,汶上县的特色小吃,深受食客喜爱。
  3. 嘎巴菜:枣庄的传统名菜之一,口感鲜美,配上当地特色的小米面条,别有风味。
  4. 南峪水碱抄手:细面皮、嫩肉馅、鲜美汤汁,构成这道美味的传统枣庄小吃。
  5. 梁山水盆羊杂:选用新鲜羊杂,配上秘制调料,烹饪而成,滋味独特,令人回味无穷。
  6. 台儿庄碱水粿:外皮柔嫩,内陷鲜美,配上特制调料,口感独特,是枣庄传统美食中的佼佼者。
  7. 蒜薹炒腊肉:蒜薹与腊肉的完美搭配,鲜香四溢,是家常菜中的枣庄特色。
  8. 峄城锅包肉:肉质鲜嫩,外酥里嫩,配以酱香,是一道枣庄经典美食。
  9. 中卫烧饼:金黄酥脆的外皮,松软香甜的内陷,是枣庄不可错过的地方小吃。
  10. 梁山薄饼:薄如纸、软如绸,配以各种鲜美馅料,是枣庄特色小吃中的佼佼者。




Culture of jujube village cate

Weigh city of important place class as a when Shandong saves, jujube village is having long history and culture not only, more famed with its rich and diversiform cate culture. Jujube village cate loves with its distinctive local color and mouthfeel by broad deadbeat, made the important window that attracts a tourist.

Cate pop chart

The following pop chart is based on netizen public praise, expert to recommend with native praise highly, collect gave jujube bank 10 eat cate surely greatly, before letting you be in, go to when jujube village, hesitate for cate no longer.

10 eat cate to recommend surely greatly

  1. Jujube village hamburger: It is main raw material with pork and flour, stuffing makings is delicious, entrance crisp, it is the traditional cate of local widely known.
  2. Baked wheaten cake of flesh of the ass on short of Wenshui River: The flesh is qualitative fresh and tender, fragrance 4 excessive, the characteristic of the county on short of Wenshui River is fastfood, love by deadbeat.
  3. Crack dish: One of traditional name dish of jujube village, mouthfeel is delicious, deserve to be duped the millet noodle of ground characteristic, have a distinctive flavour.
  4. Valley scale copies a hand south: Juice of fine face skin, tender meat stuffing, delicious soup, make this delicate traditional jujube place of business fastfood.
  5. Sheep of bridge landscape basin is miscellaneous: Choose fresh sheep miscellaneous, deserve to go up secret makes condiment, cooking and into, flavor is unique, aftertaste making a person is boundless.
  6. Stage village buck Ji : Cortical and tender, inside defect is delicious, deserve to go up tailor-made condiment, mouthfeel is distinctive, it is the person above average in cate of jujube village tradition.
  7. Garlic a kind of sedge fries bacon: The perfect collocation of garlic a kind of sedge and bacon, delicacy is sweet 4 excessive, it is the jujube village characteristic in dish of the daily life of a family.
  8. Yi city boiler includes the pork: The flesh is qualitative fresh and tender, outside crisp in tender, match with sauce sweet, it is a jujube village classical cate.
  9. Halfback sesame seed cake: Of golden crisp cortical, loose and sweet inside defect, it is the place that jujube village cannot miss fastfood.
  10. Bridge hill thin pancake: Thin be like paper, soft be like silken, deserve to expect with all sorts of delicious stuffing, it is jujube village characteristic fastfood the medium person that above average.

Above 10 big cate are the cate that jujube village cannot miss, they bore the weight of jujube village person is right of cate have deep love for and the enthusiasm with vivid opposite, also be the one part of culture of jujube village cate. Before hoping you are in, go to when jujube village, can sample these delicate cate, experience the glamour of culture of jujube village food.

Thank you to read the article, the travel that hopes this cate recommends the jujube village that can be you provides a few helps.

