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The concept of culture bequest

AllegedCulture bequest, those who point to is the has the history, art or scientific value matter that be created by the mankind and leaves and immaterial fortune, they are the gem that past culture leaves, understand to us it is the history, important to safeguard culture diversity and stimulative mankind development to be had meaning.

The sort of culture bequest

Culture bequestInclude building, cultural relic, historic site, traditional music, dancing, Thespian, consuetudinary, language, folk art, section to celebrate the form that waits for rich and colorful. These material and immaterial bequest and human society, history and tradition are linked together cheek by jowl, represented the crystallization of human wisdom and culture.

The importance of culture bequest

Above all, Culture bequestIt is the testimony of human civilization, it recorded the development course of human society and the way of life of each period, go to understanding, hold now, program future is having important sense.

Next, Culture bequestprotection and inheritance are crucial to safeguarding ethical tradition and culture diversity. In globalization today, the protective sense of culture bequest is great, it is representing the uniqueness of a nation not only, also be the main component of world culture diversity.

In addition, Culture bequestprotection can develop continuously to promoting and tourism development also has active sense. A lot of historic site and historical relics became the main tourist attraction that attracts a tourist, pass reasonable development to use, can drive the development of local economy.

The protection of culture bequest and challenge

However, Culture bequestFacing a lot of challenges, for instance natural disaster, person is destroy, the travel development integrality that affecting culture bequest on different level and inheritance. Accordingly, protective culture bequest needs government, NGO, people to wait to cooperate with all possible means, enact the protective program that gives science and measure.

The inheritance of culture bequest and innovation

In the inheritance process of culture bequest, want to pay attention to the sterling sex that protects traditional culture already, should pay attention to again with when all is entered, let the lease of life with culture bequest new coruscate. Inheritance is not simple ground duplicates, want to stimulate innovation however, let culture bequest go out in new times coruscate another glamour.


Explore and protectCulture bequestIt is joint responsibility of the mankind. Pass our joint efforts only, the bequest that ability lets these are precious be able to inheritance, leave rich culture legacy for later generations.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries the value that knows culture bequest, can more in the protection that actively shares culture heritage and inheritance.

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