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1. 螺蛳粉: 广西螺蛳粉以其独特的鲜辣口感而闻名,热气腾腾的螺蛳粉配上鲜美的酸笋,每一口都充满了丰富的味蕾体验。

2. 鱼香肉丝: 广西的鱼香肉丝以猪肉丝和木耳为主料,以独特的“鱼香”调味而得名,口味鲜美、香辣适中。

3. 酸汤粉: 广西酸汤粉是一道以酸辣为风味特色的美食,酸汤的酸辣鲜香,搭配上软糯的米粉,充分展现出了广西人独特的口味追求。

4. 粉饺: 粉饺是广西当地的传统美食,外皮为米粉制成,内馅多以猪肉和时蔬为原料,清淡爽口,口感独特。





Guangxi cate is summarized

The Guangxi cate influence with its individual situation and multiracial culture, gathered together numerous taste the characteristic cate with distinctive, dye-in-the-wood gust, the curiosa of cate of the China that be called. Guangxi cate with its delicate, delicious, taste is distinctive and become famous China and foreign countries, of all kinds characteristic is fastfood, prandial dish is have everything that one expects to find more, cate of avery kind of is representing the individual amorous feelings of Guangxi place.

Guangxi is famous cate

1.Spiral shell pink: Pink of Guangxi spiral shell is famed with its distinctive bright hot mouthfeel, reeky spiral shell pink deserves to go up delicious acerbity bamboo shoot, every were full of rich taste bud to experience readily.

2.Piscine sweet shredded meat: The piscine sweet shredded meat of Guangxi is given priority to with pork silk and agaric makings, with distinctive " the fish is sweet " flavor and get a name, taste is delicious, sweet hot moderate.

3.Acerbity soup pink: Pink of Guangxi acerbity soup is together with acid hot the cate that is gust characteristic, the acerbity hot delicacy of acerbity soup is sweet, the ground rice of soft glutinous on collocation, show adequately gave Guangxi person's distinctive taste to go after.

4.Powdery dumpling: Powdery dumpling is the traditional cate of Guangxi place, cortical make for ground rice, the greens when stuffing is mixed with pork more inside is raw material, delicate tastily, mouthfeel is distinctive.

Sample proposal

Head for Guangxi to travel, besides the scenery that admires beauty, might as well sample more characteristic cate of place. Sampling in the process of cate, can know the dietary culture of Guangxi person and way of life better, a kind of esteem that also is pair of place characteristic and approbate.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope can provide a few helps about Guangxi cate and guidance for you.

