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A degree in Ninja studies 日本首位忍者硕士毕业 The first master's degree in Ninja studies was awarded in Japan's Mie University when Genichi Mitsuhashi, 45, completed the degree from the university, which is located in the area considered to be the place of origin of Ninjutsu. 现年45岁的三桥源一获得了日本三重大学颁发的首个忍者专业硕士学位证书,三重大学所在地被认为是忍术发源地。 Mitsuhashi spent two years examining historical documents on the true nature of the stealth fighters while perfecting his martial arts skills. 三桥花了两年时间研究忍者的真实历史文件,同时完善他的武术技能。

Mitsuhashi started learning kung fu, horinji kempo and other martial arts in high school. He previously studied rural development in Kyoto University. 他从高中开始学习功夫,法林寺拳法以及其他类型的武术,此前曾在日本京都大学学习农村发展。 Ninjas are famous for being black-clad assassins who are incredibly secretive and stealthy, meaning they also had "comprehensive survival skills", he said. 三桥表示,忍者是著名的黑衣刺客,以神秘和隐身著称,这意味着他们还具有“全面的生存技能”。
