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  • 作文一:《珍惜每粒粮食》

    Waste not, want not is a principle that we should all adhere to, especially when it comes to food. Food waste is a significant issue that affects our environment and contributes to the problem of global hunger. To avoid wasting food, we can start with a few simple steps.

    Firstly, plan your meals ahead of time. This helps to prevent overbuying and ensures that you only purchase what you need. Secondly, store food properly to extend its shelf life. Proper storage methods can reduce spoilage and waste.

    Additionally, be mindful of portion sizes. Eating what you serve yourself can significantly cut down on leftovers that often get thrown away. Lastly, if you do have excess food, consider donating it to a local food bank or sharing it with neighbors.

    By implementing these practices, we can all play a part in reducing food waste and creating a more sustainable world.






    • principle 原则
    • adhere to 坚持
    • food waste 食物浪费
    • environment 环境
    • global hunger 全球饥饿
    • plan 规划
    • meals 餐食
    • overbuying 过度购买
    • store 储存
    • shelf life 保质期
    • spoilage 变质
    • portion sizes 食物分量
    • leftovers 剩饭
    • donate 捐赠
    • food bank 食物银行
    • sustainable 可持续的


    Food waste is a prevalent problem that we can all contribute to solving. One effective way to avoid wasting food is through smart consumption. This involves being aware of our eating habits and making conscious decisions.

    When shopping for groceries, make a list to ensure you only buy what you will consume. This prevents unnecessary purchases that often lead to food being thrown away. Also, try to buy seasonal produce as it is usually fresher and supports local farmers.

    Another strategy is to use up what's in your fridge before buying more. This can be achieved by creating meals based on the ingredients you already have. Furthermore, learning to cook in smaller portions can help to avoid overeating and reduce leftovers.

    Lastly, embracing leftovers can turn what would have been waste into a creative culinary adventure. Get creative with your meals and find new ways to enjoy your food.






    • prevalent 普遍的
    • smart consumption 智慧消费
    • eating habits 饮食习惯
    • conscious decisions 有意识的决定
    • groceries 杂货
    • list 清单
    • unnecessary purchases 不必要的购买
    • seasonal produce 时令产品
    • fresher 新鲜的
    • local farmers 当地农民
    • fridge 冰箱
    • ingredients 食材
    • overeating 过量进食
    • leftovers 剩饭
    • embrace 接受
    • creative culinary adventure 创意烹饪冒险


    As individuals, we have the power to make a significant impact on the issue of food waste. By taking small, everyday actions, we can contribute to a larger solution.

    One practical step is to be mindful of our food consumption. This means only taking what we can eat at meals and avoiding overeating. It also means being aware of the food we have at home and planning meals around it to reduce waste.

    Another effective method is to practice proper food storage. By learning how to store different types of food correctly, we can extend their freshness and prevent spoilage. For example, keeping vegetables in a cool and dry place can prolong their life.

    Additionally, we can make a habit of using up leftovers. Instead of discarding them, we can get creative and turn them into new dishes. This not only saves food but also adds variety to our diet.

    Lastly, being part of a community that values food can also help. Joining local initiatives or community gardens can foster a culture of reducing waste and sharing resources.







    • individuals 个体
    • food consumption 食物消耗
    • mindful 注意
    • overeating 过量进食
    • proper food storage 正确储存食物
    • freshness 新鲜度
    • spoilage 变质
    • leftovers 剩饭
    • discarding 丢弃
    • creative 创意
    • new dishes 新菜肴
    • variety 多样性
    • community 社区
    • initiatives 发起
    • community gardens 社区花园
    • culture 文化
    • reducing waste 减少浪费
    • sharing resources 共享资源
    上一篇:情绪价值的英语怎么说?(Emotional Value)