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  • 英汉双语散文:Seasons

    The world is a canvas, painted with the vibrant hues of the changing seasons. Spring arrives with a gentle whisper, as the snow melts and the first shoots of green pierce through the thawing earth. It is a season of rebirth, where the dormant comes to life, and the world is filled with the sweet scent of blossoms.

    Summer follows, with its warm embrace and the golden sun that bakes the land. It is a time of abundance, when the earth yields its fruits and the days stretch long into the evening. The laughter of children echoes through the air, as they play under the endless summer sky.

    As the leaves turn and the air grows crisp, autumn arrives, carrying the rustling secrets of the trees. It is a season of transition, where the lushness of summer fades to the rich colors of the harvest. The scent of pumpkin spice and the crunch of leaves underfoot become the soundtrack of the season.

    Finally, winter blankets the world in a cloak of white, as the cold stillness of the season wraps around us. It is a time of reflection and rest, where the world pauses to gather its strength for the cycle to begin anew. The quiet beauty of snowfall and the hushed whispers of nature prepare us for the return of spring.

    Each season brings its own unique beauty and lessons. They remind us of the constancy of change and the rhythm of life. As we journey through the seasons, may we find joy in each moment and appreciate the gift of time.








    • Canvas: 画布
    • Vibrant: 鲜艳的
    • Hues: 色彩
    • Changing Seasons: 季节变化
    • Rebirth: 重生
    • Dormant: 休眠的
    • Blossoms: 花朵
    • Abundance: 丰收
    • Bakes: 烘烤(喻指阳光照射)
    • Echoes: 回荡
    • Crisp: 新鲜的
    • Rustling: 沙沙作响
    • Transition: 过渡
    • Harvest: 丰收
    • Pumpkin Spice: 南瓜香料
    • Cloak: 斗篷
    • Reflection: 反思
    • Stillness: 寂静
    • Snowfall: 降雪
    • Constancy: 恒常
    • Rhythm: 节奏
    • Journey: 旅程
    • Joy: 快乐
    • Appreciate: 欣赏
    • Gift of Time: 时间的礼物