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be all in the day's work 不是一天的工作


be all in the day's work 不是一天的工作

【例句】When the car had a flat tire, father said that it was all in the day's work. 【误解】车胎爆了,爸爸说这就是一天工作里的事儿。 【正确】车胎爆了,爸爸说这是难免的。 【说明】be all in the day's work不是“一天要干的所有工作”,而是指“日常生活的一部分(即不足为奇)”。例如: Keeping ants away from a picnic lunch is all in the day's work. 野餐时有蚂蚁不足为奇。 Mary is very clumsy so it was all in the day's work when she bumped into the table and broke the vase. 玛丽举止笨拙,因此她碰到桌子、打破花瓶是常有的事。

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