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黑天鹅 Cygnus atratus


黑天鹅 Cygnus atratus

  • 黑天鹅(学名:Cygnus atratus),是一种主要分布在澳大利亚的天鹅属鸟类。它们以其显著的黑色羽毛和红色或橘红色的鸟喙而闻名。黑天鹅在繁殖期会展现出特别的求偶行为,包括“凯旋仪式”,这有助于加强配偶间的关系并宣示领地。黑天鹅的食物几乎完全是植物,包括各种水生植物和藻类。它们是一夫一妻制的鸟类,并且通常终身相伴。黑天鹅原产于澳大利亚,包括塔斯马尼亚,后来被引进至其他地区,如西班牙、英国和部分西欧国家,以及中国和日本。


    • Black Swan (黑天鹅)
    • Cygnus atratus (学名)
    • Swan (天鹅)
    • Australia (澳大利亚)
    • Mating behavior (求偶行为)
    • Monogamy (一夫一妻制)
    • Vegetarian (草食性)
    • Native (原产)
    • Introduced (引进)


    1. Black Swans are known for their striking black plumage and bright red or orange beak.

    2. They are native to Australia and have been introduced to various parts of the world including Spain, the UK, and parts of Western Europe, as well as China and Japan.

    3. Black Swans are monogamous and usually mate for life.

    4. They are almost entirely herbivorous, feeding on a variety of aquatic plants and algae.

    5. The Black Swan is known for its unique mating rituals, including a 'triumph ceremony' that strengthens the pair bond and asserts territory.

    6. The 'triumph ceremony' involves the male swan approaching the female with his wings and beak near, calling repeatedly.

    7. The female responds with a call, and they alternate heads in an upright position before stretching their necks upward and raising their beaks at a 45-degree angle, then circle around.

    8. These rituals are primarily initiated by the male and increase in frequency when there are more swans around.

