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  • 打嗝,医学术语称为“呃逆”,是一种常见的生理现象。它通常是由横膈膜的突然、不自主的收缩引起的,这种收缩使得声带迅速关闭,产生熟悉的“嗝”声。大多数打嗝是短暂的,可能由快速吃饭、喝饮料、酒精或情绪波动引起。


    • Hiccups - 打嗝(复数形式,因为通常打嗝会连续发生)
    • Silent hiccup - 无声嗝
    • Hiccough - 打嗝(英式英语拼写)
    • Burp - 打嗝或打嗳气(更常用于描述饱嗝)
    • Belch - 打嗝(尤指因胃气而发出的声音)
    • Hiccuping - 打嗝中(进行时)
    • Hiccoughing - 打嗝中(英式拼写)
    • Hiccup attack - 打嗝发作
    • Persistent hiccups - 持续性打嗝
    • Hiccups remedy - 治疗打嗝的方法
    • Singultus - 打嗝的医学术语
    • Indigestion - 消化不良(有时伴随打嗝)
    • Gastroesophageal reflux - 胃食管反流(可能导致打嗝)
    • Epigastric discomfort - 上腹部不适(打嗝可能伴随的症状)
    • Bloating - 胃胀(可能与打嗝相关)


    A hiccup is an involuntary contraction (spasm) of the diaphragm muscle. 打嗝是膈肌不受控制地收缩(痉挛)。
    Causes (原因): Hiccups can be caused by various factors, including eating too quickly, drinking carbonated beverages, excitement or emotional stress, and irritation of the diaphragm. 打嗝的原因包括吃得太快、喝碳酸饮料、兴奋或情绪紧张,以及刺激膈肌。
    Duration (持续时间): Most cases of hiccups resolve on their own within a few minutes to hours. However, persistent hiccups lasting longer than 48 hours may require medical attention. 大多数打嗝会在几分钟到几小时内自行消失。然而,持续时间超过48小时的顽固性打嗝可能需要医疗注意。
    Treatment (治疗): There are various home remedies and techniques to try to stop hiccups, such as holding your breath, drinking a glass of water quickly, or gently pulling on your tongue. In persistent cases, medications or medical procedures may be necessary. 有各种家庭疗法和技巧可尝试停止打嗝,如屏住呼吸、快速喝一杯水或轻轻拉伸舌头。在持续性病例中,可能需要药物或医疗程序。
      Complications (并发症): While hiccups are usually harmless, persistent hiccups can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), nerve damage, or a central nervous system disorder. 尽管打嗝通常是无害的,但持续性打嗝有时可能是潜在医疗条件的症状,如胃食管反流病(GERD)、神经损伤或中枢神经系统疾病。

    Prevention (预防): There are no guaranteed methods to prevent hiccups, but eating and drinking slowly, avoiding carbonated beverages, and managing stress may help reduce the frequency of hiccups. 没有确保预防打嗝的方法,但缓慢进食和饮水、避免碳酸饮料以及管理压力可能有助于减少打嗝的频率。