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  • 太空,通常指的是地球大气层以外的宇宙空间。它是一个充满神秘与科学探索的领域,人类对太空的探索始于20世纪中叶,并随着技术的发展而不断深入。太空中没有空气,因此是真空状态,温度极端,既有酷热也有严寒。太空是众多天体,如恒星、行星、卫星、彗星、小行星等的家园。国际空间站(ISS)是人类在太空中的一个科研前哨基地。


    1. Space - 太空
    2. Universe - 宇宙
    3. Galaxy - 星系
    4. Star - 恒星
    5. Planet - 行星
    6. Satellite - 卫星
    7. Comet - 彗星
    8. Asteroid - 小行星
    9. Nebula - 星云
    10. Black hole - 黑洞
    11. Spacecraft - 宇宙飞船
    12. Rocket - 火箭
    13. Astronaut - 宇航员
    14. Satellite - 人造卫星
    15. Space debris - 太空垃圾
    16. Space station - 空间站
    17. Launch - 发射
    18. Orbit - 轨道
    19. Space exploration - 太空探索
    20. Cosmology - 宇宙学


    1. "The vastness of space has always fascinated scientists and laymen alike." - 太空的浩瀚一直令科学家和普通人都着迷。
    2. "Astronauts train for years to endure the harsh conditions of space." - 宇航员要经过多年的训练才能忍受太空的恶劣条件。
    3. "The Hubble Space Telescope has provided us with breathtaking images of distant galaxies." - 哈勃太空望远镜为我们提供了遥远星系的惊人图像。
    4. "Space debris poses a significant risk to operational satellites and the International Space Station." - 太空垃圾对在轨卫星和国际空间站构成了重大风险。
    5. "The Apollo 11 mission marked the first time humans set foot on the moon." - 阿波罗11号任务标志着人类首次踏上月球。


    English Composition: Space has always been a subject of great interest and curiosity for humans. The mysteries of the universe are vast and continue to inspire scientists to explore further. From the first human stepping onto the moon in 1969 to the ongoing research on the International Space Station, our journey into space has been filled with remarkable achievements. The cosmos is not just about the stars and planets we can see with the naked eye; it's about the unseen forces that govern the universe. Black holes, dark matter, and the expansion of the universe are just a few of the phenomena that scientists are trying to understand. Space exploration has practical benefits for us on Earth as well. It helps us learn about our planet's place in the universe, drives technological innovation, and can even aid in the search for extraterrestrial life. However, venturing into space is not without its challenges. The harsh environment, the effects of microgravity on the human body, and the high costs of space travel are all significant hurdles to overcome. As we continue to push the boundaries of our knowledge, space will no doubt continue to be a source of inspiration, discovery, and learning for generations to come.





