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  • 篮球是一项流行的运动项目,它可以用不同的词汇来表达。让我们一起学习一下!


      1. Basketball:篮球    - Basketball is a fast-paced and exciting sport. 篮球是一项快节奏且令人兴奋的运动。    - I love playing basketball with my friends. 我喜欢和朋友们一起打篮球。   2. Hoop:篮筐    - He made a perfect shot and the ball went through the hoop. 他投篮得分,球穿过了篮筐。    - The basketball player dunked the ball into the hoop. 篮球运动员将球扣进篮筐。   3. Court:球场    - The basketball court was packed with enthusiastic fans. 篮球场上挤满了热情的球迷。    - We practice basketball on the court every weekend. 我们每个周末都在球场上练习篮球。   4. Dribble:运球    - He dribbled the basketball down the court. 他在球场上运球。    - It takes practice to become skilled at dribbling. 运球需要练习才能熟练掌握。   5. Slam dunk:扣篮    - The player made an incredible slam dunk during the game. 这名球员在比赛中完成了一次令人难以置信的扣篮。    - He is known for his impressive slam dunks. 他以出色的扣篮而闻名。   6. Rebound:篮板球    - He grabbed the rebound and passed it to his teammate. 他抢到篮板球并传给了队友。    - The player has a great ability to get offensive rebounds. 这名球员有很强的进攻篮板球能力。   7. Three-pointer:三分球    - He made a perfect shot from beyond the arc. 他完成了一个完美的远距离三分球。    - The team won the game with a last-second three-pointer. 队伍凭借最后时刻的三分球赢得了比赛。   8. Assist:助攻    - He passed the ball to his teammate for an easy assist. 他将球传给队友,轻松助攻得分。    - The player has a high number of assists in every game. 这名球员每场比赛都有很多次助攻。  


      1. Play basketball: 打篮球,表示进行篮球运动。   2. Basketball game: 篮球比赛,指两个或多个篮球队之间的对抗。   3. Shoot hoops: 投篮,表示将篮球投向篮筐。   4. Slam dunk: 扣篮,指将篮球用力扣入篮筐的动作。   5. Rebound the ball: 抢篮板球,表示在篮球弹板后抢到球权。   6. Dribble the ball: 运球,指用手掌拍打篮球使其触地反弹。   7. Make a layup: 上篮得分,指在离篮筐较近的位置投篮得分。   8. Three-point shot: 三分球,指投篮时脚跨越三分线得分。   9. Free throw: 罚球,指在对方犯规后获得的罚球机会。   10. Pick and roll: 挡拆战术,指进攻方球员利用队友的挡拆来制造得分机会。   11. Fast break: 快攻,指进攻方在对方防守尚未建立时迅速发起的进攻。   12. Zone defense: 区域防守,指球队采用分区域分工的防守策略。  