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  • 当我们说某人或某物"碍手碍脚"时,意思是他们妨碍了我们进行正常的活动或进程。在汉语英语熟语词典中,用"to be a drag"、"to be a nuisance"和"to get in sb's way"来表示"碍手碍脚"。

    1. To be a drag: 这个短语指的是某人或某物成为了压力、负担或阻碍。它常用来形容某人在某种活动中变得烦人、无聊或让其他人感到困扰。例如:

      • She's always late for our meetings, and it's such a drag. (她总是迟到我们的会议,真是碍手碍脚。)
      • Having to do all these extra tasks is such a drag. (不得不完成所有这些额外任务真是碍手碍脚。)
    2. To be a nuisance: 这个短语表示某人或某物是一个讨厌的、令人不悦的存在,对其他人的活动造成了困扰或不便。例如:

      • The construction noise outside my window is such a nuisance. (窗外的建筑噪音真是碍手碍脚。)
      • My little brother is always borrowing my things without asking, and it's becoming a nuisance. (我小弟弟总是不经过允许就借我的东西,真是碍手碍脚。)
    3. To get in someone's way: 这个短语指的是某人或某物挡住了某人的道路,妨碍了他们的前进或完成某项任务。例如:

      • The crowd was so thick that it was impossible to move without constantly getting in someone's way. (人群非常拥挤,不断挡住别人的路,根本无法移动。)
      • I'm sorry for getting in your way earlier. (刚才挡住你的路,对不起。)


    1. In the way: The cluttered workspace is in the way and makes it difficult to move around. (工作空间杂乱无章,挡住了前进的道路,使得移动变得困难。)   2. Underfoot: The kids were constantly underfoot while I was trying to cook dinner. (当我试图做晚饭时,孩子们一直在碍事。)   3. Obstructive: His constant interruptions are obstructive to the progress of the meeting. (他不断的打断影响了会议的进展。)   4. Intrusive: The neighbors' loud music is intrusive and disturbing our peaceful evening. (邻居们放的音乐声太大了,打扰了我们平静的夜晚。)   5. Invasive: Her constant questions feel invasive and make me uncomfortable. (她不停地提问感觉像是侵犯我的隐私,让我感到不舒服。)   6. Meddlesome: Our meddlesome colleague always interferes with our work, offering unsolicited advice. (我们那个好事的同事总是干涉我们的工作,给出不请自来的建议。)   7. Interfering: The manager's micromanagement style is interfering with our ability to work independently. (经理过度干预的管理风格妨碍了我们独立工作的能力。)   8. Clumsy: He's so clumsy that he keeps knocking things over and being in the way. (他非常笨拙,总是打翻东西,碍手碍脚。)   9. Hindering: The lack of resources is hindering our progress on the project. (资源不足妨碍了我们在项目上的进展。)   10. Troublesome: The malfunctioning equipment is troublesome and causing delays in production. (设备故障麻烦重重,导致生产延误。)
