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not less 不是不能更少


not less 不是不能更少

It can't be less interesting。 【误译】它不可能没有趣。 【正确】它无聊极了。 说明:在英语中,not,never之类的否定词与形容词或副词的比较级连用,表示最高级含义。意为:再没有比……更……的了。比如,我们常见的一个表达:I can't agree with you more。我太赞同你啦!(我不能赞同的更多啦) 又如: 1. He is not any taller than his brother. (他和他兄弟一样高。) 2. She can never run faster than her dog. (她永远跑不过她的狗。) 3. This restaurant is not any cheaper than the one across the street. (这家餐厅和对面街上的那家一样贵。) 4. I have never been more bored in my life. (我从来没有这么无聊过。) 5. He is not any smarter than his classmates. (他和他的同学们一样聪明。)

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