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去机场会用到哪些英语词汇 机场常用的英语词汇及对话


去机场会用到哪些英语词汇 机场常用的英语词汇及对话

  • 随着全球化的不断深入,越来越多的人开始踏上国际旅行的征程。在机场等交通枢纽中,掌握一些基本的英语词汇将会给旅行带来很大的帮助。本文将为各位旅行者整理出机场英语词汇及对话,帮助大家更好地应对旅行中的语言障碍。
    1. 航班相关
    • Flight(航班)
    • Departure(出发)
    • Arrival(到达)
    • Gate(登机口)
    • Boarding pass(登机牌)
    • Cabin(机舱)
    • Seat(座位)
    • Baggage(行李)
    1. 安检相关
    • Security check(安检)
    • Metal detector(金属探测器)
    • X-ray machine(X光机)
    • Liquids (3-1-1 rule)(液体物品-三一一规则)
    • Carry-on bag(随身携带的行李袋)
    • Checked bag(托运的行李袋)
    1. 服务台相关
    • Information desk(咨询台)
    • Customer service(客户服务)
    • Lost and found(失物招领)
    • Immigration(移民局)
    • Customs(海关)
    • Currency exchange(货币兑换)
    • Duty-free shop(免税店)
    1. 交通相关
    • Taxi(出租车)
    • Shuttle bus(班车)
    • Train(火车)
    • Subway(地铁)
    • Rental car(租车)


    A: Excuse me, where is the departure gate for flight BA123?

    B: It's in Terminal 2. You need to take the escalator up to the second floor, and then follow the signs to Gate 25.


    A: I'd like to check in my luggage, please.

    B: Sure. May I see your passport and ticket, please? How many bags will you be checking in?

    A: I have two bags to check in.

    B: Alright. Here are your boarding pass and luggage tags. Please proceed to the baggage drop-off counter over there.


    A: Is there a security check before entering the boarding area?

    B: Yes, there is. Please place all your belongings, including your bag and jacket, in the tray for X-ray screening. Walk through the metal detector when prompted.


    A: Excuse me, what time does the flight to New York depart?

    B: The flight is scheduled to depart at 9:30 a.m. Please make sure you are at the gate at least 30 minutes before departure.


    A: I lost my boarding pass. What should I do?

    B: Don't worry. Head to the airline counter over there and they will assist you in reissuing a new boarding pass.


    A: Where can I collect my checked baggage upon arrival?

    B: The baggage claim area is located on the ground floor. After going through immigration and customs, you will find the conveyor belts for retrieving your luggage.


    A: Excuse me, is there a currency exchange service at the airport?

    B: Yes, there is. You can find a currency exchange booth near the arrivals hall. They offer services for various currencies.

