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铊具有极高的毒性 关于铊的英语资料


铊具有极高的毒性 关于铊的英语资料

  • 铊(Thallium,化学符号Tl,原子序数81)是一种柔软、易延展的金属,具有银白色的光泽,但在空气中会迅速氧化,形成一层蓝色的氧化物。以下是关于铊的英语资料,希望对你有所帮助!

    Thallium (Tl) is a chemical element with the symbol Tl and atomic number 81. It is a soft, malleable metal with a silvery-white color that tarnishes black when exposed to air. Thallium was discovered in 1861 by the British chemist William Crookes while studying thallium sulfate.

    Thallium is not found in nature as a free metal but occurs in compounds, such as thallium sulfate (Tl₂SO₄) and thallium carbonate (Tl₂CO₃). It is a very rare metal with an abundance of about 0.5 parts per million in the Earth's crust. Thallium is used in electronic devices, such as semiconductors and photocells, and as a coloring agent in glass manufacturing.

    Thallium is highly toxic to humans and animals, and even small amounts can cause severe health problems, including neurological damage, hair loss, muscle weakness, and vision loss. Due to its toxicity, thallium is strictly regulated in many countries, and appropriate safety measures must be taken when handling it in industry and research.

    铊(Thallium)是一种化学元素,其化学符号为Tl,原子序数为81。它是一种柔软、易延展的金属,具有银白色的光泽,但在空气中会迅速氧化,形成一层蓝色的氧化物。铊的发现可以追溯到1861年,由英国化学家威廉·克鲁克斯(William Crookes)在研究硫酸铊的过程中意外发现。



    词汇 (Vocabulary):
       - 铊 (Thallium)
       - 元素 (Element)
       - 符号 (Symbol)
       - 重金属 (Heavy metal)
       - 毒性 (Toxicity)
       - 工业 (Industry)
       - 染料 (Dye)
       - 光学玻璃 (Optical glass)
       - 电子元件 (Electronic component)
       - 中毒途径 (Route of poisoning)
       - 摄入 (Ingestion)
       - 吸入 (Inhalation)
       - 皮肤接触 (Skin contact)
       - 中毒症状 (Symptoms of poisoning)
       - 腹泻 (Diarrhea)
       - 呕吐 (Vomiting)
       - 神经系统问题 (Neurological issues)
       - 心脏问题 (Heart problems)
       - 治疗 (Treatment)
       - 洗胃 (Gastric lavage)
       - 化合物解毒剂 (Compound antidote)
       - 对症治疗 (Symptomatic treatment)

    作文 (Essay):
       - 题目:铊的特性及其影响 (Characteristics and effects of thallium)

    Thallium (Tl) is a chemical element with the symbol Tl and atomic number 81. It is a soft, malleable metal with a silvery-white color that tarnishes black when exposed to air. Thallium was discovered in 1861 by the British chemist William Crookes while studying thallium sulfate.

    铊(Thallium,化学符号Tl,原子序数81)是一种柔软、易延展的金属,具有银白色的光泽,但在空气中会迅速氧化,形成一层蓝色的氧化物。铊的发现可以追溯到1861年,由英国化学家威廉·克鲁克斯(William Crookes)在研究硫酸铊的过程中意外发现。

    Thallium is highly toxic, and even small amounts can cause severe health problems, including neurological damage, hair loss, muscle weakness, and vision loss. Due to its toxicity, thallium is strictly regulated in many countries, and appropriate safety measures must be taken when handling it in industry and research.


    Thallium is used in electronic devices, such as semiconductors and photocells, and as a coloring agent in glass manufacturing. It is also used in the production of low melting point glasses and alloys.


    In the environment, thallium can be found in trace amounts in soil, water, and air, primarily as a result of human activities such as mining, smelting, and the burning of fossil fuels. It can accumulate in living organisms, leading to toxic effects.


    Due to its toxicity, thallium pollution has been a concern in areas with high levels of industrial activity. Efforts to mitigate thallium pollution include improved industrial processes, waste management, and the development of technologies to remove thallium from contaminated environments.

