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名篇背诵:A Thin Lady 纤弱的女士


名篇背诵:A Thin Lady 纤弱的女士

A Thin Lady 纤弱的女士

玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)

She was so thin that her small bones seemed ready to come through her white skin. Seen from a distance, romping about the back yard with her child, she looked like a little girl, for her waist was unbelievably tiny and she had practically no figure. She had no bust and her hips were flat. Like her body, her face was too thin and too pale and her silky brows, arched and delicate as a butterfly's feelers, stood out too blackly against her colorless skin. In her small face, her eyes were too large for beauty, the dark smudges under them making them appear enormous, but the expression in them had not altered since the days of her unworried girlhood. War and constant pain and hard work had been powerless against their sweet tranquility . They were the eyes of a happy woman, a woman around whom storms might blow without ever ruffling the serene core of her being.

- romp [rɒmp] v. 嬉闹玩耍

- bust [bʌst] n. 胸部

- smudge [smʌdʒ] n. 污点

- tranquility [trænˈkwɪlətɪ] n. 宁静;平静

- serene [sɪˈriːn] a. 安详的;平静的


上一篇:名篇背诵:A Gentle, Aspiring Gentleman 优雅而雄心勃勃的绅士