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名篇背诵:The Revelation of the Duck 鸭的启示


名篇背诵:The Revelation of the Duck 鸭的启示

The Revelation of the Duck 鸭的启示

J. B. 普里斯特利(J. B. Priestley)

It was rather late the other night, and we were coming home to Highgate Village by way of High Street, Hampstead. We had to pass the Whitestone Pond. Now I like the Whitestone Pond. On fine afternoons, boys sail their toy boats on it, and when there's a wind blowing across the Heath the toy boats have to battle with enormous waves — about three inches high. At night, this pond is like a little hand-mirror that the vast, sprawling , yawning London still holds negligently; and you see the stars glimmering in it. Well, the other night was one of those mysterious nights we've had lately when there seems to be a pale light coming from nowhere, and the sky has a pure washed look. The dim lights of a few cars could be seen in the dusk round the pond, and some people, late as it was, standing and staring.

We stopped, and heard a solicitous quacking and a great deal of faint squeaking. Then we saw on the pond, like a tiny feathered flotilla , a duck accompanied by her minute ducklings, just squeaking specks of yellow fluff. We joined the fascinated spectators; We forgot the war, the imminence of invasion, the doubts about the French Fleet.

Our eyes and ears, and our imagination were caught and held by those triumphant little parcels of life. This duck hadn't hatched her brood here; she'd hatched them in some hidden corner — nobody knows where — and had then conveyed them — and nobody knows how — to swim happily in the dusk on the city pond. She hadn't asked anybody's advice or permission; she hadn't told herself it was too late or too difficult; nobody had told her to “go to it” and that “it all depended on her.” She had gone to it, a triumphant little servant of that life, mysterious, fruitful, beautiful, which expresses itself as a man writes a poem — now in vast galaxies of flaming suns, now in a tiny brood of ducklings squeaking in the dusk.

- sprawl [sprɔːl] v. 无计划地延伸,蔓延

- yawn [jɔːn] v. 打呵欠

- solicitous [səˈlɪsɪtəs] a. 挂念的,渴望的

- flotilla [fləʊˈtɪlə] n. 小舰队

- galaxy [ˈɡæləksɪ] n. 星系,一群出色的人物



