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Consecrate Bodhisattva needs a few basic measure and preparative work. Above all, you need to select a suitable consecrate site, can be a special consecrate stage or a quiet corner. Next, prepare an altar or offer a desk, the offerings such as flower, fruit, censer and candle can be put above. Next, choose one honour Bodhisattva resembling, wait like Tibet of avalokitesvara, Wen Shu, ground, put going up for the stage. Before consecrate, you can undertake the preparation of clean heart of a few clean bodies, wash his hands for instance, classics of recite scriptures, Song, in order to show devotional. Finally, ignite joss sticks and candles, place offerings, heart sincere cordial ground to Bodhisattva invocatory perhaps recite lection. After the consecrate that finish, clear regularly mix for the stage change offerings, with maintaining consecrate kosher and divine.
