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初中英语议论文和说明文:Cheating 作弊


初中英语议论文和说明文:Cheating 作弊

初中英语议论文和说明文:Cheating 作弊



In our school most students study very hard. They get good results through hard work. But some students don't want to work hard. They try to find a shortcut to get good marks. When they are taking exams, they cheat. And the new technology now helps them a lot.

Cheating is no better than stealing. If someone cheats in the exam, he is thought of as dishonest. Nobody would like to make friends with dishonest fellows.

Let's study hard and be honest.


1)to find a shortcut 找捷径

2)Cheating is no better than stealing. 作弊和偷盗一样糟。

3)He is thought of as dishonest. 他被看作不诚实。

4)make friends with 与……交朋友

初中英语作文:Cheating 作弊

In our school, there are some students who cheat on exams. They might think it’s not a big deal, but in fact, it’s a very serious problem. Cheating not only harms the cheaters themselves, but also affects the fairness of the education system.

First of all, when students cheat, they don’t learn anything. They might get a good grade temporarily, but they won’t acquire the knowledge and skills they need. In the long run, this will hinder their development and make it difficult for them to succeed in life.

Secondly, cheating is unfair to other students. Some students work hard and study diligently, while others take shortcuts and cheat. This not only violates the principles of fairness and justice but also undermines the credibility of the education system.

Finally, cheating can have serious consequences. If caught, students may face disciplinary actions such as failing the exam, being suspended, or even expelled from school. Moreover, once they leave school and enter society, they may continue to cheat in order to get ahead, which can lead to even more severe legal and ethical consequences.

In conclusion, cheating is a harmful behavior that has negative effects on both individuals and society as a whole. As students, we should have a deep understanding of the seriousness of this issue and always adhere to integrity and honesty in our studies and lives.






上一篇:名篇背诵:Resentment 憎恶