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关于一个外国的英语老师 An Foreign Teacher

Daniel is my English communication class teacher. He is tall and handsome. His smile is very charming. He is very nice. He always speaks a little slow to in case we couldn't follow him. He is very patient. He always corrects our pronunciation for several times until we speak the right word. He doesn't serious at all. He likes to make friends with us. When he is in the good mood, he will tell us the wonderful thing happening in his country, his family and his friends. He likes smiling. He tells us one of the most important things in the world is to live happily. We all love him and his class.


初三英语作文:Eating out 外出就餐

我们有时候讨厌在家里自己做饭, 有时候我们仅仅是不想做饭了。然后我们选择出去吃饭。那样可能会贵一些但是它是在一个愉快的环境下吃着新鲜的饭菜。

Sometimes we are tired of home-made meals. Sometimes we don't want to do cooking. Then we choose to eat out. It may be a bit expensive but it is fresh to eat in a pleasant environment.


Nowadays, many more families would like to eat out on the eve of New Year's Day. It was reported this past New Year's Eve, a great number of people welcomed the new year in while eating in the restaurant. It is really very interesting

初中英语作文:国外学习的利与弊(Studying Abroad)

国外学习的利与弊(Studying Abroad)

In recent years, studying abroad has been popular in our country. More and more middle

school students would like to go abroad through mediators. Is it good or bad to study abroad? In my opinion, on one hand, it has some advantages. Studying abroad can provide better studying conditions. People can make rapid progress in their foreign language study and it can also help widen their field of vision. Meanwhile, young students can learn advanced science and technology from foreign countries and spread cultures of different nations.

On the other hand, it has disadvantages. For example, because of the lack of living experience and poor capability to take care of themselves, they may feel lonely and homesick. In addition, high living expenses and tuition fees will become a heavy burden upon their parents.

So I think whether studying abroad or not should be decided according to oneself and one's family. It is not right to follow others.





初中英语作文:谁是你最喜欢的外国影星?(Who is your favorite foreign movie actor?)

谁是你最喜欢的外国影星?(Who is your favorite foreign movie actor?)

Who is your favorite foreign movie actor? Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Julia Roberts, Halle Berry ,Will Smith,Angelina Julie,Hugh Jackman,Alex Pettyfer ,Arnold Schwarzenegger or Tom Cruise..... Oh.my god ,there are so many famous movie actors. Who is your choice. Each of them have a unknow story.do you know something about them.....


海外优秀英语作文·Going to School in America 在美国上学

Going to School in America 在美国上学

On August 14, 1999, I, Bobby Huang, moved from China to the United States of America. I was eight years old at that time, and only in the second grade. I'm now in the eighth grade. Next year I will be at high school.


The grading system in America is almost the same as the one in China: the best grade you can get is an A, then B, then C, then D, and last F. F stands for failing. A grade of C in America is considered an average grade.


The school year is separated into four quarters in America. We only have to go to school 180 days a year. We don't have to go to school on Saturdays either. There is at least one day break every month, because in America there's at least one holiday every month. For instance, Labor Day, Columbus Day (10/12, the day Columbus discovered the Americas), Halloween (10/31, the day that all the ghosts come back alive again), Thanksgiving Day (11/24), Christmas Day (12/25), New Year's Day (1/1), Valentine's Day (2/14, a day that we all show love to each other) and Mother's Day (a day that we show our appreciation to our mothers).


The really long break is the Christmas vacation. It's two weeks. After 180 days of school we have a three-month summer vacation! The best thing about the summer vacation is that we don't have to worry about anything, we don't even have homework.


One really bad thing about American schools is that you have to walk to the teacher's room instead of our own classroom, so we don't have the same classes with the same students. But in all the schools in America, the students have a lot of fun in school. In my school we have different activities every Friday, such as singing, sports and seeing movies. We also hold a dance every other month. The dance hall is where we play music and students dance with each other. The school also provides cookies and drinks.


The main courses that I have to take are history, physical education, science, language, reading and math. We get to pick two classes of our choice. I choose "music" and "computer". In music class we listen to all kinds of songs, for example, Jazz, country, R&B, etc. We can talk about any singer that we love. I also enjoy the computer class. The other classes are drama, Spanish, leadership, guitar, band (you can play any instruments you'd like), journalism (learning to write for a newspaper, and you can also write for the school newspaper) and so on.


初中英语作文:我的外教 My Foreign Teacher

I love to learn English so much, because it is the important key to know about the world. As I have learned it since I was very small, so I have the strong desire to talk to the foreigners. My parents sent me to an English training center, where I could talk to the foreign teacher. I was so excited. When I saw her, I felt so nervous and had no idea what to say. She was very active and good at making me feel comfortable soon. We talked so happily and my English improved so much. I cherished the time to learn from her. She is my friend now.


初中英语作文:中国产品畅销国外 Chinese Products Sell Well in Foreign Countries

Many years ago, the products that tagged with Made in China were believed to be bad quality, but with the development of Chinese economy, Made in China presents the products with low prices but good quality. Recently, a Chinese toilet lid sold well in the foreign countries, what made it special was that there were all kinds of lovely pictures in the seat cover. Some even can light in the dark. This little creation brings great surprise to foreigners. They decorate their toilet and bring good mood. The products present the wisdom of Chinese young generation, and their creativity surprises the world. We are looking forward to seeing more creative products. 

海外优秀英语作文·My Primary School Years 我的小学生活

I went to kindergarten both in China and in America. There was a big difference between them. In China, the teachers were trying to teach children how to follow instructions. For instance, if a teacher drew a cat on the blackboard, he would expect every child to draw the same cat. The more alike, the better. However, in America, the teachers were trying to teach children how to develop their own ideas. If the teacher drew a cat, he would want you to draw a cat too, but differently. The more different, the better.


In China, the thing that I hated most was having lunch. The teacher forced me to finish all the rice and meat in my bowl. It took me a long time to finish it because I really couldn't eat that much. In America, what I liked most was the teachers because they weren't strict and they made learning fun.


Another memorable thing was our kindergarten graduation. We all made our own square paper hats, and wore them through our graduation. We each got a diploma. Many parents came to take pictures or just to see their kids graduate from kindergarten. My parents also came and my dad took a lot of pictures of me to remember the first graduation of my life.


My first grade teacher was Mrs. Hing. She was born in America but the land of her ancestors was China. I began to learn how to write. I also learned how to do math in her class. Math was my favorite subject at that time and still is.


In the second grade, we learned about food. My teacher was Miss. Phillips. We learned how to balance our diet. Our class had a pet rabbit. His name was Thumper. He was so cute!


I enjoyed the third grade, too! This time, my teacher was Mrs. Adair. She required us to bring back our homework every day. If we did, she would give us a ticket. At the end of each week, she would put out lots of things, such as notebooks or pencils. We could buy anything by using our earned tickets. We got the idea how much each item costs and how we could save up "money" to buy the things we wanted.


Mrs. Smith was my fourth grade teacher. She was strict with us. We had lots of homework—at least four to five pages every day. She also used tickets as rewards. I wrote my first book in the fourth grade. It was called Neat Noble Nancy . In the book it talked about my school years, my family and things I like.


My fifth grade teacher was Mrs. Ratto. She was my favorite teacher so far because we always did funny things that everyone enjoyed, such as making art projects or having P. E. I really enjoyed the fifth grade because I made a lot of friends then.


Nancy from America

南希 美国

Extracurricular activities 课外活动

Some students like to participate actively in after class activities. They think after class activities are an integral part of school life. By going in for such activities, they can learn what they can't learn from books, which will be beneficial to them in the future.

Others, however, don't like after class activities at all. They think that a student's work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else. Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school.

In my opinion, every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we won't learn in classrooms. School is not just a place for learning the difference between "lie" or "lay", or what caused the hours of the daily schedule.

Finally, after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances. No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities.


海外游学(overseas study tours) 是近年来比较流行的一个寒暑假活动项目,既非单纯的旅游也非纯粹的留学,介于游与学之间,又融合了游与学的内容.中考结束后,你计划参加海外游学夏令营,你会选择去哪个国家游学呢?希望有哪些游学活动呢?请以"My plan for a summer overseas study tour"为题写一篇短文介绍你的海外游学计划.









educational; places of interest

My plan for a summer overseas study tour




And then I will visit the famous Big Ben and the London Eye which are well Known in the world.然后我会参观世界上众所周知的著名的大本钟和伦敦眼.

这是由which引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 Big Ben and the London Eye (大本钟和伦敦眼),作为定语从句的逻辑主语;be well known固定短语"众所周知的",此处意为"世界上众所周知的著名的大本钟和伦敦眼."


It's interesting to know some different culture.了解一些不同的文化是很有趣的.

此句运用了固定句式It+be+to do sth"做某事是怎样的",it为形式主语,动词不定式为真正的主语.

【解答】My plan for a summer overseas study tour

I plan to visit to England for my overseas study tour during the Summer Holiday.【游学国家】

According to my plan,I will leave for London on July 14th.And then I will visit the famous Big Ben and the London Eye which are well Known in the world.【高分句型一】I think it is well worth visiting.

In addition,I will try to learn about the culture there.It's interesting to know some different culture.【高分句型二】【游学具体活动】

I am looking forward to going there.I can't wait!It must be a very exciting tour.【游学的意义】
