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初中记事的英语作文:A Visit to the Sun Qiao Agricultural Garden 参观孙桥农业园地


初中记事的英语作文:A Visit to the Sun Qiao Agricultural Garden 参观孙桥农业园地

初中记事的英语作文:A Visit to the Sun Qiao Agricultural Garden 参观孙桥农业园地

A Visit to the Sun Qiao Agricultural Garden


On November 7, our class went to visit the Sun Qiao Agricultural Garden. We set out early in the morning. It took us one and a half hours to get there. It was great fun to see so many colorful vegetables in the fields. All of us were interested in those mini fruits. Luckily, we were allowed to eat as much fruit as we wanted. In the afternoon we listened to a lecture on how to plant tomatoes on the trees. Then we picked some vegetables each and took them home. We went back at half past three. We had a good time and learned a lot.


1)set out 出发

2)one and a half hours 一个半小时

3)how to plant tomatoes on the trees 怎样在树上种西红柿

初中记事的英语作文:A Visit to the Zoo(参观动物园)

Last weekend, my classmates and I went on a school trip to the zoo. It was a sunny day with clear blue skies. We were all excited about seeing various animals up close.

Upon arrival, we saw a big sign that said "Welcome to the Zoo" at the entrance. The moment we stepped inside, we were greeted by the sound of birds chirping and the sight of colorful flowers. The zoo was beautifully landscaped with trees, bushes, and ponds.

We started exploring the zoo and came across different animal habitats. We saw lions, tigers, and bears in their enclosures. It was fascinating to observe these majestic creatures in their natural surroundings. We also saw monkeys swinging from tree to tree and elephants splashing water with their trunks.

There was a special show featuring dolphins performing amazing tricks in a large pool. We watched in awe as the dolphins jumped through hoops and balanced balls on their noses. It was truly a spectacle to behold.

Afterwards, we visited the penguin exhibit. The penguins waddled around, amusing us with their funny antics. We couldn't help but laugh at their clumsy movements on land and graceful swimming in the water.

As we continued our tour, we saw giraffes reaching for leaves high up in the trees and zebras grazing peacefully. We even spotted a rare white tiger resting lazily in the shade.

The visit to the zoo was not only entertaining but also educational. We learned about different animal species, their habitats, and conservation efforts to protect them. It made us realize the importance of preserving wildlife and their natural habitats.

Overall, it was a memorable trip to the zoo. We had a great time observing and learning about various animals. It was a wonderful opportunity to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the animal kingdom.

初中记事的英语作文:A Visit to the Zoo(参观动物园)









初中记事的英语作文:A Visit to a Historical Site(参观历史遗址)

During the summer vacation, my family and I visited a famous historical site in our country. It was a perfect opportunity to learn about our rich cultural heritage.

As we arrived at the site, we were greeted by a magnificent ancient gate. It stood tall and proud, showcasing the grandeur of the past. We walked through the gate and entered a whole new world.

The site was filled with ancient buildings, temples, and statues. Each structure had its own unique story to tell. We marveled at the intricate carvings and architectural designs that reflected the skills and craftsmanship of our ancestors.

We visited the main temple and learned about its historical significance. The guide explained the religious rituals and practices that took place there centuries ago. It was fascinating to imagine the bustling activities that once occurred in these sacred halls.

Walking along the pathways, we came across stone tablets inscribed with ancient writings. Although we couldn't understand the characters, we appreciated the beauty and historical value of these artifacts.

There was also a museum within the site that displayed a wide range of artifacts and relics. We saw pottery, weapons, and clothing from different dynasties. It was like stepping back in time and getting a glimpse into the lives of people from the past.

Throughout our visit, we could feel the sense of history and the importance of preserving our cultural heritage. It made us realize how much our ancestors have contributed to the development of our civilization.

Visiting the historical site was not only educational but also awe-inspiring. It made us appreciate the value of our history and the need to protect and cherish it for future generations.

Overall, it was a memorable experience. We left the site with a deeper understanding of our roots and a renewed sense of pride in our cultural heritage.

初中记事的英语作文:A Visit to a Historical Site(参观历史遗址)










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