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初中记事的英语作文:Pudong Has Changed a Lot 浦东大变样了


初中记事的英语作文:Pudong Has Changed a Lot 浦东大变样了

初中记事的英语作文:Pudong Has Changed a Lot 浦东大变样了

Pudong Has Changed a Lot


Last Saturday, I went to visit Pudong with my grandmother. She used to live in Zhangqiao, but she moved to my home in Puxi 10 years ago. She was surprised at the great changes there. Many tall office buildings stand in the place where there used to be farms. Long ago, it was not convenient to go out because of the poor transportation. But things are different now.

We hope Pudong will become more beautiful.


1)He was surprised at the great changes there. 她看到那里巨大的变化十分惊讶。

2)Many tall office buildings stand in the place where there used to be farms. 在原来是农田的地方矗立着幢幢办公大楼。

3)because of the poor transportation 因为交通不便

初中记事的英语作文:My First Day in Middle School 我在初中的第一天

I was both excited and nervous as I stepped into the doors of my new middle school. It was a big change from elementary school, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Here is the story of my first day in middle school.


As I walked through the hallways, I felt a bit lost among the sea of unfamiliar faces. However, I was relieved to see some familiar classmates from elementary school. We greeted each other with smiles and decided to stick together, at least for the first day.


Our first class of the day was English, and I was excited to meet our new teacher. She introduced herself as Ms. Johnson, and her warm smile instantly made me feel more at ease. She went over the syllabus and explained the expectations for the year. I was eager to dive into the new curriculum and improve my English skills.


During lunch break, I joined my friends in the cafeteria. The atmosphere was lively, with students chatting and laughing together. I enjoyed catching up with my friends and meeting new classmates. We shared stories and laughed, instantly forming new bonds.


After lunch, we had our first math class. I was a little worried because I had heard that middle school math was more challenging than elementary school math. However, our math teacher, Mr. Thompson, made the class engaging and fun. He used interactive activities to help us understand the concepts better. I left the class feeling more confident in my math abilities.


As the day came to an end, I couldn't help but reflect on my first day in middle school. It was filled with new experiences, new friendships, and a sense of excitement for the year ahead. I knew that there would be challenges along the way, but I was ready to face them head-on and make the most out of my middle school years.


Middle school marked a new chapter in my educational journey, and I was determined to make it a memorable one. With the support of my teachers, friends, and family, I knew I could thrive and grow in this new environment.


初中记事的英语作文:My Most Embarrassing Moment in Middle School 我在初中最尴尬的时刻

Middle school is a time filled with ups and downs, and my most embarrassing moment happened during a school assembly. It was a day that I will never forget.


It was a Friday morning, and the entire school was gathered in the auditorium for an assembly. I was sitting with my friends, chatting and waiting for the assembly to begin. Little did I know that this day would turn into a nightmare.


As the principal took the stage to address the students, I felt a sudden urge to sneeze. I tried to hold it back, but it was too late. A loud and uncontrollable sneeze erupted from me, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.


The room fell silent, and I could feel my face turning red with embarrassment. The principal tried to continue his speech, but the giggles and whispers from the students made it impossible to ignore what had just happened.


I wanted to disappear into thin air. I could hear my friends trying to stifle their laughter as they patted me on the back, trying to offer some comfort. The embarrassment was overwhelming, and I couldn't wait for the assembly to be over.


After what felt like an eternity, the assembly finally came to an end. I quickly made my way out of the auditorium, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. I could still hear the whispers and laughter following me as I walked down the hallway.


The rest of the day was a blur as I tried to shake off the embarrassment. Thankfully, my friends were understanding and tried to make me feel better. They reminded me that embarrassing moments happen to everyone and that it would eventually be forgotten.


Looking back, I realize that embarrassing moments are a part of life, especially during the awkward middle school years. It taught me to laugh at myself and not take things too seriously. Although it was a humiliating experience, it also helped me grow stronger and more resilient.


上一篇:初中写人的英语作文:Michael Jordan 迈克尔·乔丹
下一篇:初中记事的英语作文:Let's Repair It Together! 我们一起来修理!