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1. **榕树**:被视为财富树,因为它的树形茂盛,叶子繁茂,寓意财源滚滚,家运兴旺。

2. **吉祥果树**:如柿子树、枇杷树等,这些树木在中国文化中被认为象征着吉祥和丰收,因而有助于招财进宝。

3. **桂树**:桂树被视为吉祥之树,尤其是在中秋节时,桂叶象征着团圆和富贵。

4. **金银花树**:因为其金黄色的花朵而被视为象征着财富和好运。

5. **富贵竹**:虽然不是树木,但是在庭院中种植一些富贵竹也被认为是招财的好方式,因为它象征着吉祥富贵。



What to cultivate to cultivate inside the courtyard most flourishing money, a lot of people can choose a few traditions to go up to be thought to have money the tree of symbolic significance. In Chinese culture, a few common indicative fortune and lucky tree include:

1.** banyan ** : Be regarded as fortune tree, because its tree form is flourish, leaf is exuberant, billow of import source of revenue, domestic motion is flourishing.

2.** of ** lucky fruiter: Wait like persimmon tree, loquat tree, these tree are thought in Chinese culture indicative auspicious is auspicious bumper harvest, conduce to action money entering treasure consequently.

3.** laurel cultivates ** : Gui Shu is regarded as lucky tree, it is especially when the Mid-autumn Festival, gui Xie is indicative reunion and riches and honour.

4.** honeysuckle cultivates ** : Because of the flower of its gold yellow be regarded as indicative fortune become reconciled to carry.

5.** of bamboo of ** riches and honour: Although not be arboreous, but the good way that grows bamboo of a few riches and honour to also be considered as to enrol money in court, because of it is indicative lucky riches and honour.

Although these are arboreous,be regarded as to bring on culture lucky with fortune, but final, plant what kind of tree or should consider circumstance of climate condition of place, soil and individual be fond of.
