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1. 瓜果蔬菜:代表着丰收和富饶,可以摆放一些新鲜的水果、蔬菜或者放置一篮子装饰性的果实。

2. 瓷器或陶器:代表着土地和土壤,可以摆放一些精美的陶瓷或者瓷器作为祭品。

3. 花卉:特别是一些与丰收和繁荣相关的花卉,如向日葵、麦穗等。

4. 祭品:如水果、米粒、鲜花等,作为对土地之神的敬意。

5. 农具:例如锄头、镰刀等农耕工具,象征着劳作和农业生产。



In Chinese culture, earthy remarkable ability often is considered as to guard the deities of land and crop, because this is put by earthy god a few with agriculture, land or the article related the bumper harvest can be considered as normally advantageous. A few put article commonly to include:

1.Vegetable of melon and fruit: Representing bumper harvest and abundant, can put a few fresh fruits, vegetable to perhaps place fructification of one basket ornamental.

2.China or crockery: Representing land and soil, can put a few elegant pottery and porcelain or china serves as oblation.

3.Flowers: Especially a few flowers related to bumper harvest and prosperity, wait like helianthus, ear.

4.Oblation: Wait like fruit, grain of rice, flower, as the magical devoir to land.

5.Farm tool: For example hoe, hook farming agrarian tool, symbolic move works to be produced with agriculture.

As a whole, the choice puts what article to depend on district culture and individual belief, but normally the article related to bumper harvest, land and agriculture is met most flourishing.
