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1. **鲜花和祭品:** 在中国传统中,供奉鲜花和食物是尊敬祖先的方式之一。鲜花象征着尊敬和纪念,而食物则表示对祖先的供养。

2. **灯笼和蜡烛:** 灯笼和蜡烛被用来照明墓地,也象征着对逝去亲人的思念和纪念。

3. **清洁整齐的墓碑和墓地:** 保持墓地的清洁整齐是尊重祖先的一种方式,也有助于维护家族的荣誉和尊严。

4. **祭坛和祭品台:** 在墓地附近设置祭坛或祭品台,供奉祖先所喜爱的食物和物品,以示尊敬和纪念。

5. **家族牌位或祖先画像:** 家族牌位或祖先画像被摆放在墓地附近,以表达对逝去亲人的怀念和尊敬。



In Chinese culture, of graveyard put and decorate the influence with be thought the respect to the ancestor and familial movement power have certain. Although different area and culture may have different belief and tradition, but generally speaking, it is a few common burial ground put goods below, be thought to be able to bring lucky:

1.** flower and oblation: ** is in Chinese tradition, consecrate flower and food are one of means that respect an ancestor. Symbolic move respects the flower and commemorate, and food expresses pair of ancestors make offerings to.

2.** lantern and candle: ** lantern and candle are used to illume graveyard, the indicative also longing to parting family member and souvenir.

3.The gravestone with ** orderly cleanness and graveyard: The cleanness that ** holds burial ground is orderly a kind of means that is esteem ancestor, also conduce to uphold familial honor and dignity.

4.** altar and oblation stage: ** installs altar or oblation around graveyard stage, the food that consecrate ancestor place likes and article, in order to show respect and commemoration day.

5.** familial memorial tablet or ancestral picture: ** familial memorial tablet or ancestral picture are put to be near graveyard, in order to express the yearning of pair of parting family members and respect.

As a whole, to graveyard put, the most important is esteem ancestor and tradition, keep clean and neat, deferential consecrate, can feel familial bring so lucky with the blessing.
