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The bell was ringing. Miss Wu, who teaches us English, came into the classroom, a big smile on her face. Several other teachers of our school had come to visit her class. I knew it was a demonstration class, and I was a little excited.

Everything was going on well. All of us were listening to our teacher attentively and, when we answered questions, our answers were correct and clear. The smile on her face suggested that she was satisfied with our performance. Towards the end of the class, she asked,“Who would like to come up to the platform and repeat the story?”While saying these words, she looked at all the students with an expression of hope in her eyes.

How I wanted to jump onto the platform and give an excellent performance before the whole class! This would be a good opportunity to practise spoken English. But I hesitated for one or two minutes.“If I go to the platform and speak there, but forget the story or make mistakes, what can I do?”I asked myself.“Will my classmates and the teachers laugh at me?”

I looked up and saw Miss Wu smiling at me.“Be brave!”she said to the class.

I stepped onto the platform quickly and began to repeat the story with confidence. I said one sentence after another, thinking of nothing but the story. After I finished, I returned to my seat, my heart beating faster than ever. The girl sitting beside me said,“Good work!”and I smiled.






高一英语作文 一次有趣的辩论

Today is Sunday. After supper, father, mother and I went to the pardk. I sat on the back of father's bike. After a while, father said, "Girl, you should lose weight." Motheragreed with father. But I thought it wasn't bad for me. So I said, "No, I don't want to. I like to be myself. Do you know the famous actress named Fei Fei in Hong Kong? She is very fat but very popular with the audience." "But few fat people can become famous," father didn't agree with me. And mother continued, "You know, a lot of illnesses are caused by obesity, such as heart disease, hypertension and so on."

It seemed I had two opponents. I should try my best to defeat them. So I quibbled, "There's nothing to be worried about. Anyway, the medical technology has been developed so advanced." And then I directed the spearhead at mother, "You are also so fat. Why don't you want to lose weight'?" Mother sighed, "I dowant to. But it's not good for me to do so. I'min my forties while you are so young. If you can do more exercises and control your diet, you'll easily lose weight." "No, you're rong. I said loudly. "Some experts say that exercises can't help people lose weight because they will eat more after the exercise."

Father and mother looked at each other and didn't know' what to say. I won the debate! I stopped laughing when I heard father saying, "Fat daughter, please get off my bike." Oh, no!




高中英语作文|第一次做饺子 The First Time to Make Dumplings

I am good at study, I can always get the high mark in the exam, so I am very confident that I can do all the things well, but the experience of making dumplings changes my idea.


It was on winter holiday, my mother asked me to make dumplings with her, I said it was so easy for me.


My mother showed me how to make it and then let me follow her, I did as she showed me.


But I found my dumplings could not cover well, I tried another one, still the same.


I was curious, I did the same thing with my mother, but I failed in the result. My mother smiled and said practice made perfect.



During the holiday, I joined in the special summer camp with my classmates. There we made some new friends who were senior school students from Kanwei, a town on the T which is to the East of London. As hosts, we showed them around many places of interest in Beijing, such as the Palace Museum, the Great Wall and the Summer palace and told them about the changings taken place in Beijing. They said Beijing is quite different from whatthey had heard of and it was as beautiful as Kanwei. Meanwhile, they told us about the daily life and study of American students and did their best to help us with our English. With their help, we improved our spoken English. I think the summer camp is of great value.



As soon as the school was over, David ran onto the bus.He had to go home. When he got home, it was 5:15 and he had to be the airport at 6:00. He just threw everything into the suitcase.Then he left.He took the taxi to the airport.He went to check his luggage at 6:00. When exserted the suitcase, they looked worried.They found something unusual in the suitcase.He didn't know what it was, so he felt nervous.At that moment,he heard the noise coming from the suitcase.He suddenly realized it was an alarm clock.He quickly opened the suitcase and got the clock out.

