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小学英语作文:爸爸,休息一下 Dad, Have a Rest

My family is poor. My father has to work very hard to make us live a normal life. My mother has to take care of the trifles, so all the economic burden fall on the shoulder of my dad. He takes three jobs. Every morning, he gets early to send milk and then goes to work. Sometimes he does some part-time job after dinner. On weekend, he has another job in the downtown. He has little time to rest. I am worry about his physical health. Dad, can you have a rest?  


小学英语作文:爸爸=童话故事 Dad is Equal to Fairy Tales

My father is very busy on work everyday. He leaves home every morning before I get up. And then he will have a whole day work. Sometimes he doesn’t have time to have dinner with me. But every night he will tell Fairy Tales for me before I fall asleep. He never stopped doing this. So, on the bookshelf of my room, there are many Fairy Tales books and most of them are not new. Every night reading time is the happy time for my father and me.  


小学英语作文:严厉的爸爸 My Severe Father

My father is a severe person,since I go to school,he always keeps an eye on my study.He keeps contact with my teacher,so as to get to know my newest situation.Sometimes I feel a lot of pressure,I want to do best all the time.But I know my father loves me,he just wants to cultivate me as the excellent student.I will try my best.  


小学英语作文:爸爸的小宝贝 Father’s Little Baby

My father tells me that when I was born, he felt so happy and nervous, it was the first time for him to be a father, so he did not know what to do. As the time went by, he learned to take care of me, he says I am his little baby forever, he will protect me all the time. I am so moved, I love my father.


小学英语作文:和爸爸在一起的快乐时光The Happy Time With My Father

My father is very busy,he seldom has time to stay with me,so when we have time and stay together,I will be very excited.My father likes to watch basketball match and I will watch the game with him,we shout and share the comments about the teams.The time with my father is so rare and I feel so happy.  


小学英语作文:爸爸的工作My Father’s Work

My father is busy all the time, he goes to work early in the morning and goes home after work very late. I am very curious about his work, so I ask my mother about it. My mother tells me that my dad is working in a company, he is a businessman and he needs to deal with his customers all the time. I am so proud of my father.  


小学英语作文:最好的爸爸 The Best Father

Many of my classmates complain about their fathers, because they are busy all the time and barely have time to company them. But my father is different, though he is busy, he still spare some time to play with me and help me with my homework. I am so lucky to have such a father, he is the best father in the world.  


小学英语作文:爸爸挣的钱 The Money My Father Makes

I was born in a neither rich and nor poor family, and my parents can give me what I want. But they are strict to me. If I waste food and water, my mother will criticize me. To support the family, my father works very hard and he sacrifices a lot time to make money. So I realize the money comes not easy and won’t waste anything.


小学英语作文范文:我的爸爸 My Father

My father is a businessman, and he is very busy, but he will never miss the important moment of mine. For example, when the schools ask the parents to watch performance or join meetings, he always can make out time. When I am confused about life, he can give me the good idea and lead me get out of the trouble.

