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英语词汇:Drunk driving - 酒驾


英语词汇:Drunk driving - 酒驾

  • 酒驾,即酒后驾驶,是指在酒精影响下驾驶机动车的行为。这种行为极大地增加了交通事故的风险,因为酒精会降低驾驶员的反应速度、判断力和视觉能力。各国法律普遍禁止酒驾,并对酒后驾车的行为设定了严格的处罚措施,包括罚款、吊销驾驶证、甚至监禁。为了公共安全,许多国家和地区都在积极推广“喝酒不开车,开车不喝酒”的理念。


    1. Drunk driving - 酒驾 2. Driving under the influence (DUI) - 酒后驾车 3. Drink-driving - 酒驾(英国用法) 4. Intoxication while driving - 驾驶时醉酒 5. Alcohol-impaired driving - 酒精影响下的驾驶 6. DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) - 醉酒驾驶 7. Sobriety checkpoint - 清醒检查站(警方设立的检查点,用于检测驾驶员是否酒驾) 8. Breathalyzer test - 酒精呼吸测试 9. Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) - 血液酒精浓度 10. Zero tolerance policy - 零容忍政策(对酒驾的严格禁止)


    1. Drunk driving is a serious offense that can lead to fatal accidents and severe legal consequences. It's crucial for everyone to understand the risks and to make responsible decisions when consuming alcohol.    酒驾是一项严重的违法行为,可能导致致命事故和严重的法律后果。每个人都必须了解风险,并在饮酒时做出负责任的决定。   2. The societal cost of drunk driving is immense, not only in terms of lives lost but also in the economic impact of accidents, legal fees, and healthcare costs.    酒驾的社会成本是巨大的,不仅在生命损失方面,还包括事故、法律费用和医疗费用的经济影响。   3. Education and awareness campaigns are essential to combat drunk driving. They can help change attitudes and behaviors, encouraging people to choose safer alternatives like designated drivers or public transportation.    教育和意识提升活动对于打击酒驾至关重要。它们可以帮助改变态度和行为,鼓励人们选择更安全的替代方案,如指定司机或公共交通。   4. Law enforcement agencies around the world have implemented strict measures to deter drunk driving, including random breath tests and increased penalties for offenders.    世界各地的执法机构已经实施了严格的措施来遏制酒驾,包括随机呼吸测试和对违规者加重处罚。   5. Despite the risks, some drivers still choose to drive under the influence, often due to overestimating their own abilities or underestimating the effects of alcohol.    尽管存在风险,一些驾驶员仍然选择酒后驾车,这通常是因为他们高估了自己的能力或低估了酒精的影响。