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  • 厕所是人们日常生活中不可或缺的设施,它提供了一个私密且卫生的环境,让人们可以进行日常的生理需求。随着社会的发展,厕所的设计和功能也在不断进步,从最初的简陋设施到现在的智能厕所,反映了人类对生活品质的追求。


    1. WC - water closet(较老式的称呼,现在较少使用) 2. Toilet - 厕所,马桶 3. Bathroom - 浴室,洗手间(在美国常用来指公共厕所) 4. Restroom - 洗手间,公共厕所 5. Washroom - 洗手间,通常指公共建筑物内的厕所 6. Lavatory - 厕所,盥洗室(较正式,现在使用不多) 7. Powder room - 小型洗手间,通常用于女性补妆 8. Little boy’s/girl’s room - 男/女厕所(儿童用语) 9. Nature is calling - 自然在召唤(幽默说法,表示需要上厕所) 10. Powder my nose - 去洗手间(女士委婉说法,通常指去补妆)


    The restroom is an essential part of our daily lives, providing a private and hygienic space for our basic needs. As society progresses, the design and functionality of restrooms have evolved significantly. From simple facilities to modern smart toilets, the changes reflect our pursuit of a higher quality of life. Restrooms are not just about convenience; they are also a reflection of cultural attitudes towards cleanliness and personal comfort. Public restrooms, in particular, are a testament to a city's infrastructure and its commitment to the well-being of its citizens. With the rise of eco-friendly and sustainable designs, the future of restrooms promises to be more efficient and environmentally conscious.   厕所是我们日常生活中必不可少的一部分,它为我们的基本需求提供了一个私密且卫生的空间。随着社会的发展,厕所的设计和功能也发生了显著的变化。从简单的设施到现代的智能厕所,这些变化反映了我们对生活品质的追求。厕所不仅仅是为了方便;它们也反映了文化对清洁和个人舒适的态度。特别是公共厕所,它们是一个城市基础设施和对其市民福祉承诺的证明。随着环保和可持续设计的兴起,厕所的未来承诺将更加高效和环保。
    下一篇:英语词汇:Drunk driving - 酒驾