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  • 黑洞是宇宙中一种极端密集的天体,其引力场强大到连光都无法逃逸。它们通常由恒星核心塌缩形成,当一个恒星的质量足够大,其内部压力无法抵抗引力时,就会发生这种塌缩。黑洞的边界被称为事件视界,一旦物质或辐射穿过这个边界,就无法返回。黑洞的存在和性质可以通过广义相对论来描述,尽管它们本身不发光,但科学家可以通过观察黑洞周围的物质和辐射来间接探测它们。


    - Black Hole: 黑洞 - Event Horizon: 事件视界 - Singularity: 奇点 - Gravitational Pull: 引力 - Spacetime Curvature: 时空曲率 - Accretion Disk: 吸积盘 - Jets: 喷流 - General Relativity: 广义相对论 - Light Speed: 光速 - Stellar Collapse: 恒星塌缩 - Supermassive Black Hole: 超大质量黑洞


    The black hole is one of the most fascinating and mysterious phenomena in the universe. It is a region of space where the gravitational pull is so intense that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. This extreme condition is the result of a star collapsing under its own weight, leading to a point of infinite density known as a singularity.   黑洞是宇宙中最引人入胜且神秘的天文现象之一。它是一个空间区域,那里的引力如此强烈,以至于连光都无法逃脱。这种极端条件是由恒星在自身重力作用下塌缩形成的,导致了一个被称为奇点的无限密度点。   The boundary of a black hole, called the event horizon, marks the point of no return. Once matter or radiation crosses this threshold, it is inevitably drawn into the black hole. Despite their non-luminous nature, black holes can be detected indirectly by observing the effects they have on surrounding matter and radiation.   黑洞的边界被称为事件视界,标志着不可返回的点。一旦物质或辐射穿过这个阈值,它就会被不可避免地吸入黑洞。尽管黑洞本身不发光,但科学家可以通过观察它们对周围物质和辐射的影响来间接探测它们。  
    Black holes are dense celestial objects predicted by the theory of general relativity and found in space. The gravitational pull of a black hole is so immense that the escape velocity within its event horizon exceeds the speed of light. Consequently, a black hole is a region of spacetime with such extreme curvature that not even light can escape from its event horizon. In 1916, German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild derived a vacuum solution to Einstein's field equations, indicating that if a static, spherically symmetric body has a radius smaller than a certain value related to its mass, a peculiar phenomenon occurs around it, creating an interface known as the "event horizon." Once something crosses this boundary, it cannot escape, not even light.

    黑洞(英文:Black Hole)是由广义相对论所预言的,存在于宇宙空间中的一种致密天体。黑洞的引力极其强大,使得视界内的逃逸速度大于光速。因此,黑洞是时空曲率大到光都无法从其事件视界逃脱的天体。1916年,德国天文学家卡尔·史瓦西(Karl Schwarzschild)通过计算得到了爱因斯坦场方程的一个真空解,这个解表明,如果一个静态球对称星体实际半径小于一个与质量相关的定值,其周围会产生奇异的现象,即存在一个界面——“视界”,一旦进入这个界面,即使光也无法逃脱。  
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