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金牛男的性格特征 金牛座男生的性格分析英文双语对照


金牛男的性格特征 金牛座男生的性格分析英文双语对照





1, the disposition advantage of taurine schoolboy: Have definite idea, will sturdy, enthusiastic, affable, it is patience and sense of responsibility, OK to have the reliance, actual, reliable, viewpoint of value that has commercial head and firm, rich aesthetic feeling, like cate and delicate and costly luxury.

2, taurine schoolboy disposition is romantic, resolution capability, logic thinks, assiduous, address, enthusiastic, enduring heart is firm, endurance is dye-in-the-wood, be passionately devoted, have artistic sky share, hardheaded, work in a planned way, choose be apt to is obstinate, seek peace, the life has the law, be worth to trust.

3, bias of taurine schoolboy disposition, depend on a heart to weigh, ego is contented, self-willed, envious heart is strong, delicious, have desire too strong, be jealous of of be apt to, impatient lack is patiently, stubborn diehards, lack coordinates a gender, do not be good at cooperating with division of labour, work the mood is too solemn, devoid sense of humor, do not know flexible, too the foot that holds to oneself, custom is too much, too careful, lack is begged beg newly change.

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