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富贵竹是一种竹子吗 富贵竹介绍英文双语对照


富贵竹是一种竹子吗 富贵竹介绍英文双语对照




1, right answer: Either. Bamboo of riches and honour is not bamboo.

2, bamboo of riches and honour does not belong to bamboo, it is century plant division, Long Xieshu belongs to a plant. The alias of bamboo of riches and honour is bamboo of 10 thousand birthday, be apart from tower of Hua Moshou bamboo, bamboo driving movement, riches and honour, be a kind of perennial constant green small tree, it is the common plant that observe a part of a historical period. Plant is long and thin and erect, upside is had ramose, blade wraps around to grow needle form, with bamboo likeness, advocate arteries and veins is apparent, xie Se is thick green, brim part is white, yellow white, blade has the Xie Bing with long 7.5-10cm.

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