51 go travel of channel of 9 stockaded village is a right choice.
Above all, 51 holiday are worth spring, it is the season that everythings on earth of channel of 9 stockaded village anabiosises. Although partial scene area is likely unfinished is completely open, but the natural scene of channel of 9 stockaded village still is worth to swim. Right now, the wild flower inside channel of 9 stockaded village begins to bloom, especially azalea, added many color for whole situation area.
Next, the climate of channel of 9 stockaded village is in 51 during relatively delightful, both neither is too cold not quite hot also, suit outdoors activity. Although 51 during channel of 9 stockaded village may greet travel small height, but should plan ahead of schedule only good journey, escape height period of time, still can enjoy a happy journey to experience.
When visitting channel of 9 stockaded village, can see virgin forest, experience the fresh air of natural forest bathhouse; Ramble is in arrow bamboo sea, appreciate absolutely beautiful natural view; Still can view and admire clear lake water and the giant panda that appear possibly to panda sea.
Nevertheless, those who need an attention is, 51 during the tourist of channel of 9 stockaded village may be compared much, the proposal reserves entrance ticket and hotel ahead of schedule, in order to ensure the distance is great. In the meantime, also want to pay close attention to weather variation, carry good rain gear and prevent bask in things.
The place on put together is narrated, 51 go travel of channel of 9 stockaded village is a right choice, want to had made sufficient preparation only, can enjoy a good holiday.