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哪种因素会导致宠物猫咪掉毛 导致宠物猫咪掉毛的原因


哪种因素会导致宠物猫咪掉毛 导致宠物猫咪掉毛的原因









1, physiology sex drops wool: Feline Mi can experience molt level in growing process, this is normal physiology phenomenon, the growth that conduces to feline Mi development. In addition, the hair of feline Mi also can fall off naturally as seasonal change, in order to get used to the change of air temperature.

2, hidebound: In the food of feline Mi if lack ample nutrient part, mix like protein, adipose, vitamin mineral, may bring about hair flimsy, dry fall off easily. In addition, inferior cat food or the feline food that had contained much more artificial additive bring about long-term edible possibly also feline Mi drops wool.

3, helminth infection: The helminth infection such as bug of flea, mite can bring about feline Mi occurrence Sao urticant, skin is red wait for a symptom, cause wool then. These helminth can absorb the nutrition of feline Mi, destroy the skin of feline Mi, bring about feline Mi to drop wool thereby.

4, dermatosis: Skin infection, wait like fungus infection, bacterium infection, the likelihood brings about dermatitis disease and drop wool. These dermatosis can bring about feline Mi to drop wool not only, still can make the skin of feline Mi appears red, desquamate, scabby wait for a symptom.

5, allergic: Feline Mi may be right element of certain food component, environment or chemical material allergy, cause thereby dermatosis and drop wool.

6, salinity absorbs excessive: Feline Mi is few to saline demand, overmuch salinity the burden besides the kidney that can cause feline Mi, also can cause feline Mi hair sere, drop the phenomenon such as wool.

7, the mood brings about: Feline Mi feels curiosity is mixed possibly to new environment fear, if fear,the mood holds dominant, feline Mi may appear blue circumstance, bring about wool then.

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