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Three copies


三份───Three copies


Enclosed are three copies of our catalog, from which we hope you will find your preference (s).───附上3本目录本,希望从中可找到你们的所好。

laid down that all candidates must submit three copies of their dissertation.───规定所有的学位答辩人均须提交论文一式三份。

They have only three copies when we need five.───他们只有三本,可我们需要五本。

As a best practice, keep three copies of the backup media, and keep at least one copy offsite in a properly controlled environment.───最佳做法是保存三份备份媒体副本,并至少将其中一份副本保存在有适当防控措施的远离现场的环境中。

I seem to have acquired three copies of the book.───我不知怎么呢这本书有了3本。

After the examination of the works, the expert determined there were three copies, and therefore, at least one was original.───专家们对作品进行了检验,发现了三件赝品。因此,至少有一件是真的。


A ten-minute wait round a low coffee table bearing three London telephone directories and three copies of the Yellow Pages.

It is a copyright library and receives three copies of all books published in Britain.

Take the completed summary sheet that your team has prepared and make three copies of it.

A gene fragment encoding three copies of proinsulin C peptide was synthesized and expressed in E.

It is laid down that all candidates must submit three copies of their dissertation.
