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Check the function of the body


检查身体───Physical examination;功能───function


A physical examination is a preliminary to joining the army.───体格检查是参军的初步.

Therefore, careful physical examination of the skin is paramount in dermatologic diagnosis.───因此, 在皮肤病的诊断中,对皮肤细致的体检是至关重要的.

Here is an instance where a careful, discerning, and accurate physical examination often yields the diagnosis.───例如仔细的, 有分辨力的精确的体检常可作出诊断.

I get a physical examination once a year.───我一年做一次身体检查.

A total of 109 patients underwent physical examination, electrocardiogram and echo cardiography.───总计109个病人做了体格检查, 心电图,超生心动图.

In addition to a complete medical history and physical examination, diagnostic procedures for atherosclerosis may include any, or a combination of, the following.───除了完整的病历和身体检查,动脉粥样硬化的诊断程序应当包括任何,或联合的以下项目。

The physical diagnosis includes the medical history and the physical examination.───物理诊断包括记病历和体格检查两部分.

Cardiomegaly can be detected by physical examination and by a chest rediograph.───心脏肥大能用物理检查及胸部透视查出.


A chest x ray film and physical examination were normal.

Physical examination may reveal evidence of certain nutritional deficiencies that will not be detected by dietary or laboratory methods. 2.

And as well as a physical examination, your vet will want to check urine and blood samples.

Before operation all patients underwent general physical examination and electrocardiographic and lung function studies to determine their general fitness for operation.

She did not conduct any physical examination.
