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as soon as the sun reaches the meridian it declines


日中───Japan China;移───shift


The payments will help to rebuild a Sichuan panda sanctuary that was nearly destroyed by a May 2008 earthquake and fund Japan-China joint breeding projects.───这些金额将帮助重建在2008年五月的地震中几乎摧毁的四川熊猫基地,同时也将作为中日熊猫繁殖计划的基金。

It is a joint project between America, most of the European Union, Japan, China, India, Russia and South Korea.───这是一个合作项目,包括美国、欧盟大多数国家、日本、中国、印度、俄罗斯和韩国。

Fortunately, Vuitton has since rapidly established a strong position in what it hopes will become another Japan: China.───幸运的是,威登自那以后在有望成为第二个日本,即中国占据了很强的位置。

He said the current Japan-China relations are developing well in general with bilateral cooperation moving on constantly.───他表示,当前日中关系总体上发展良好,双方合作不断向前推进。

Hatoyama said he was glad to see constant progress in the Japan-China relationship.───鸠山由纪夫对日中关系不断取得进展感到高兴。

The ambassador said the Japanese government will not change its stand on adhering to the principles of the Japan-China Joint Statement.───他说,日方将把李登辉赴日严格限制在治病的范围之内,日本政府坚持日中联合声明原则的立场不会改变。


The journey will take the President to Japan, China, and Australia.

The United States said tensions between Japan, China and South Korea would not hurt cooperation in six-party talks aimed at defusing the crisis over North Korea's nuclear programs.

The soldier is in Japan China was once so kindhearted?

Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Japan, China, and South Korea will be allowed to dip into the money when faced with a financial emergency.

To prove the point, again we need only look for substantiation to Japan, China, and the international situation.
