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小学生作文习作·我们的故事 A Story


小学生作文习作·我们的故事 A Story

小学生作文习作·我们的故事 A Story

 猫和老鼠 A Cat and a Mouse

One day, a cat is taking a nap in his basket. There is some food beside him. A mouse is not eating his food. The mouse is so hungry that he makes a big noise. It makes the cat wake up. The cat is very angry and he wants to catch the mouse.

The mouse is on top of the door. The cat is jumping again and again. But he can not catch the mouse. Then the mouse is running under the chair. The cat can not catch him, either.

At last, the mouse is running into his hole. He is safe and happy and he begins to dance and drink beer. When he is dancing out of the hole, the cat catches the mouse and eats it.




1.again and again 一次又一次

2.The cat can not catch him, either. 猫还是不能抓住老鼠。

 杰克和豆茎 Jack and the Beanstalk

Story-teller:Once upon a time there was a boy, and his name was Jack. He was a seven-year-old boy. He was naughty. He lived with his mother in the countryside. They were poor. They only had a cow.

Mother:Jack, Oh, I'm sorry. I'm afraid we must sell our cow. I know you like it. But we haven't any bread or milk tonight.

Jack:Oh, my god!…OK.

Mother:I'm sorry, my dear child. But we are poor.

Story-teller:So they went to the market. They met a strange man.

Mother:I have a cow. Do you want it?

Man:A cow? I haven't got any money. But I have some beans. Do you want to change?


Story-teller:Jack and his mother went home. They put the beans in the ground. Some days later, the beanstalk grew up and up. It touched the sky.

Jack:Wow! It's fantastic! How long it is! It must be in the heaven now. I'll go and have a look.

Story-teller:Jack climbed and climbed. When he stood on the clouds, he stopped. He saw a castle. He heard a great noise.

Giant:Ah! I'm the strongest giant in the world. I like to eat children. Now I'm hungry. I can smell a boy. Am, how nice! Where is he?

Jack:Oh! Help! A Giant is coming!

Story-teller:Jack could see a golden goose stand beside the castle.


Goose:Yes? What's the matter? Oh, the giant is coming! Please help me! I don't like the giant. Look, my legs are hurt. I can't move.

Jack:OK, quick!

Story-teller:Jack put the goose under his arm and ran away quickly. He ran to the beanstalk and climbed down.

Goose:Hi! You silly boy! The giant is coming down, too. Cut the stalk!

Story-teller:Jack cut the stalk with an axe. The giant was angry, because he couldn't come down.

Mother:Oh, my dear boy. Thanks, goodness!

Jack:Wow! Mum, look! The goose laid a golden egg!

Goose:I'll lay a golden egg every day for you because you help me. Thanks a lot!

Mother:We are rich! We are rich!

Jack:How lucky we are!

Story-teller:Finally, Jack and his mother were rich. With the money, they could buy many things. They were happy.





1.once upon a time 很久很久以前

2.It's fantastic! 太好了!

3.cut the stalk with an axe 用斧子把茎砍断

上一篇:小学生作文习作·小乌龟——希望 Hope—A Tortoise
下一篇:小学生作文习作·爬树 Climbing a Tree