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小学生作文习作·生日聚会 My Birthday Party


小学生作文习作·生日聚会 My Birthday Party

小学生作文习作·生日聚会 My Birthday Party

It was March 29th . It was my birthday! My friends came to my home to have a birthday party. At four o'clock in the afternoon they reached my home. With a smile, they said, "Happy Birthday!" "Thank you!" I said. Then we watched TV, played computer games, and did some outdoor sports.

We came back when it was dinner time. There was a lot of delicious food on the table. There was also a big birthday cake. At last, they gave me many presents. This toy was from Amy. It was a big fat Teddy Bear. Someone thought it looked like me. This one was from Bill. It was a toy car. It was small but nice. The gift I liked best was a music box. It could sing "Happy Birthday to you." All of my friends sang the song with the music.

I was very happy that night because my friends and I enjoyed ourselves.




1.reached my home 到我家

2.with a smile 面带微笑

3.outdoor sports 户外运动

4.We came back when it was dinner time. 我们在晚饭时间回到家。此处用了时间状语从句,使全文语句丰富起来。

5.All of my friends sang the song with the music. 我的朋友们都跟着音乐唱起歌来。

6.I was very happy that night because my friends and I enjoyed ourselves. 那晚我很高兴,因为我和我的朋友们都过得很愉快。

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