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小学生作文习作·游记 A Visit to…


小学生作文习作·游记 A Visit to…

小学生作文习作·游记 A Visit to…

上海动物园游记 A Visit to the Shanghai Zoo

It is a sunny day today. My parents and I go to the Shanghai Zoo. There are many animals in it, such as lions, giraffes, pandas, and monkeys.

We see the lions in the cage first. They are strong. Their teeth are big and sharp. Look, some lions are eating meat and some are sleeping. Three peacocks are walking on the grass. Their feathers are beautiful. On the hill, there are a lot of monkeys. They are lovely and naughty. A big monkey is chasing a small one and they are playing with each other.

I see different animals and learn a lot today. We have a good time in the Shanghai Zoo.




1.such as…and so on 例如……等等

2.A big monkey is chasing a small one and they are playing with each other. 一只大猴子在追一只小猴子,他们在玩呢!


海滨之游 A Visit to the Beach

Last summer, I went to Hainan Island with my parents. We went to the beach and had a good time there. My father was swimming, while my mother was enjoying sunbath under the sun umbrella. Some children were building sandcastles,but I was not interested in it. I was collecting beautiful shells on the beach. Finally I went back to Shanghai with a little cute crab and a bag full of shells. How lucky I was!




1.had a good time 玩得很开心

2.build sandcastles 垄城堡

3.I was not interested in it. 我对此不感兴趣。

be interested in doing sth. 对……事感兴趣

4.My father was swimming, while my mother was enjoying sunbath under the sun umbrella. 我的爸爸在游泳,妈妈在太阳伞下晒着日光浴(while引导的时间状语从句表示两个动作同时正在发生)。

5.a bag full of shells 满满一袋贝壳

公园游记 A Visit to a Park

It was a very hot day in summer. I didn't want to stay at home. Suddenly, I had a wonderful idea. I invited my friends to have a picnic in the park.

My friends and I found a beautiful place in the park. The sun was shining, and the sky was blue. The clouds were moving slowly. The flowers were dancing in the wind. Linda and I were sitting beside a fountain. We were talking about our school, our sports meet, our games and many interesting things. Lily was playing beside us. She was playing with water. She was wet but she was smiling happily. Lisa was playing football with John and Kevin. Dora was catching fish in the pond.

It was time for lunch. We took out our food and shared with each other. We were all very excited. The picnic was very interesting. We all think the picnic at the park was interesting.




We took out our food and shared with each other. 我们拿出食物彼此分享。

share…with… 把……与某人分享

厦门游 A Visit to Xiamen

Xiamen is a beautiful city. It is famous for its beach and seafood. This winter, I went to Xiamen with my family.

We went to the beach near Ye Feng Zhai. It was sunny, and the wind was soft. The sky was blue and the clouds were white. I collected shells on the beach. They were white and green. Their shapes were strange. Some looked like fans and others looked like stars. Some of them were smooth and some were rough. My father swam in the sea happily. My mother took a lot of nice and interesting photos.

We had a good time in Xiamen. We all like Xiamen.




1.It is famous for its beach and seafood. 因海滨景色和海鲜食品而闻名。

2.Their shapes were strange. 它们形状很奇特。

3.Some looked like fans and others looked like stars. 一些看上去像扇子,另一些像星星。

4.Some of them were smooth and some were rough. 一些光滑,一些粗糙。

5.swim in the sea happily 快乐地游泳

6.take photos 拍照

7.have a good time过得很开心

普吉岛之游 A Visit to Phuket

This winter holiday, I went to Phuket in Thailand.

The sea in Phuket was beautiful. We took a boat to visit many islands. The color of the sea was amazing. It was not only blue and green but also yellow and white. They were clean and clear. There were many colorful fish in the water. I wore a glass hat and jumped into the sea. I liked walking in the sea. Under the sea, I found some animals I had never seen in Shanghai. There were seahorses, starfish, seaweed, and shells. The fish swam around me, and I fed them with some bread.

I also liked Fantasea. It was a big park, like Disneyland. I played was games in it and watched a show in the theater.

I happy in Phuket, and I will never forget the beautiful scenery there.




1.The color of the sea was amazing. 水的颜色令人惊叹。

2.not only…but also… 不仅……而且……

3.clean and clear 干净清澈

4.colorful fish 五颜六色的鱼

5.I found some animals I had never seen in Shanghai. 我发现了一些我在上海从来也没能见到的动物。

6.swim around me 在我周围游来游去

7.feed them with some bread 用面包来喂它们

8.I will never forget the beautiful scenery there. 我永远也不会忘记那里美丽的景色。

东方绿舟一日游 A Visit to Oriental Green Land

It was a fine day. Father, mother and I went to the Oriental Green Land.

We went there by car. At nine o'clock we arrived there. How beautiful! There were many beautiful flowers and green grass. At a quarter past nine we went to the "Road of the Bravery". We met many difficulties. But we were brave. We passed the Chain Bridge, the Water Net, the Scaling Ladder, and the Brave Slide.

At eleven o'clock we ate our lunch. We had some hamburgers, sandwiches, cookies and some juice. After lunch we went to the "Interesting Bridge World". There were so many interesting bridges such as the Vat Bridge, the Net Bridge, the Five Ring Bridges and the Chain Bridge. I walked through all the bridges with my parents. We were so excited.

At last, we went to the "Aircraft Carrier Model". We saw many tanks, planes, boats and rockets there.

We went home at four o'clock. I was so happy.




1.We met many difficulties. 我们遇到了很多困难。

2.so many interesting bridges 很多有趣的桥

3.walk through all the bridges 走过所有的桥

4.We were so excited. 我们很兴奋。

一次郊游 A Visit to the Countryside

In big cities,there are high buildings, beautiful cars, wonderful shops and comfortable houses. But in the countryside, there are a lot of things we don't have in the city: fresh air, green fields, blue sky, and fresh vegetables.

This winter holiday, we went to my dad's hometown in Hubei. We drove for a long time. When we got there, my grandmother, my uncle, my aunt and my cousins all came out to welcome us. Although they were a little bit shy, they were very friendly to us. On the Eve of the Lunar New Year we all sat around a big table. There were chickens, fish and fresh vegetables. They were so delicious! Mom said we couldn't buy such fresh food in the city.

I saw strawberries in a green house. We went inside and picked a lot of strawberries. They were red and fresh. it was the first time for me to pick strawberries. How interesting! They tasted sweet.

I had a wonderful time in the countryside. I hope I can go there again!




1.We drove for a long time. 我们开车行驶了很久。

2.When we got there, my grandmother, my uncle, my aunt and my cousins all came out to welcome us. 当我们到达那里,我的奶奶、伯伯、姑姑和表兄们都出来迎接我们。

3.Although they were a little bit shy, they were very friendly to us. 虽然他们有点害羞,但他们对我们十分友好。

4.on the Eve of the Lunar New Year 在除夕之夜

5.it was the first time for me to pick strawberries. 那是我第一次釆草莓。

游桂林 A Visit to Guilin

Some say that Guilin is the most beautiful place in the world. During the Spring Festival we went to Guilin by plane. We could see many beautiful places there. There were so many mountains and lakes. I felt that I was in a different world.

On the first day in Guilin we visited Qixing Park and the Mount of Xiangbi. The mountain was the symbol of Guilin. It looked like an elephant. In the afternoon we enjoyed ourselves in the Li River. We sailed a boat and saw many fish swimming in the river. We also found crabs and prawns in the ponds. On the second day we went sightseeing in Guilin and went shopping there. In the afternoon we visited the Banyan Landscape and the Butterfly Spring. How beautiful they were!

I like Guilin very much and I will visit it soon.




1.the most beautiful place in the world 世界上最美丽的地方

2.I felt that I was in a different world. 我感觉自己在另一个世界里。

3.the symbol of Guilin 桂林的标志

4.It looked like an elephant. 它看上去像一头大象。

5.see many fish swimming in the river 看见很多鱼在河里游来游去

6.On the second day we went sightseeing in Guilin and went shopping there. 第二天,我们去桂林市观光购物。

南方商城购物记 A Visit to the South Shopping Mall

Before the Spring Festival, my mother and I went to the South Shopping Mall.

There were five floors in the mall. On the first floor, there were many clothes and shoes. My mother bought a pair of boots and a red down jacket. They were beautiful. On the second floor and the third floor there was a big supermarket. We bought some paper and some sweets. On the fourth floor there was an electronic city. On the fifth floor, there were many video games. They were interesting.

I was very happy that day.




1.a pair of boots and a red down jacket 一双靴子和一件红色鸭绒衣

2.an electronic city 电器城

上一篇:我们要跟随潮流吗 Should We Follow the Fashion
下一篇:小学生作文习作·上海一日 A Day in Shanghai