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  • 回南天,又称“回潮天”或“南风天”,是中国南方地区春季常见的一种气候现象。这种现象通常发生在春季的二月至四月间,当南风带来暖湿气流,与较冷的地表和建筑物表面相遇时,会导致空气中的水分凝结成水珠,形成墙壁、地面甚至家具表面的水珠。回南天期间,室内湿度极高,容易使衣物、书籍等受潮,同时也可能对建筑物造成损害。为了应对回南天,人们会采取各种措施,如关闭门窗、使用除湿器等,以减少潮湿带来的不便。


    - Huinantian: 回南天 (熟悉中国的外国人最常用的说法)(外媒百科:Huinantian, also called wet spring, is a unique phenomenon in Southern China from February to march. This is caused when warm air encounters cooler objects, the steam turns into liquid water. )
    - 回南天 : damp season、continuous wet weather
    - wet spring:潮湿的春天 - Humidity: 湿度 - Condensation: 凝结 - Dew: 露水 - Moisture: 潮湿 - Muggy: 闷热的 - Damp: 潮湿的 - Dehumidify: 除湿 - Air Humidity: 空气湿度 - Condensation on Windows: 窗户上的凝结水珠 - Springtime in South China: 中国南方的春季 - Climate Phenomenon: 气候现象


    In the early spring, the southern regions of China experience a unique weather phenomenon known as "Huinantian" . This occurs when the warm and humid air from the south meets the cooler surfaces of buildings and the ground, causing moisture to condense and form water droplets on walls, floors, and even furniture.   在中国南方的早春,会经历一种独特的气候现象,称为“回南天”。这种现象发生在暖湿的南风遇到建筑物和地面较冷的表面时,导致空气中的水分凝结,在墙壁、地板甚至家具上形成水滴。   The high humidity during this period can make indoor environments extremely damp, leading to clothes and books becoming moldy. It's also a time when buildings may suffer from water damage. To cope with the "Huinantian" weather, people take various measures such as closing windows and doors, and using dehumidifiers to reduce the discomfort caused by the dampness.   在这一时期,室内环境的高湿度可能导致衣物和书籍发霉。这也是建筑物可能遭受水损的时候。为了应对“回南天”的天气,人们采取各种措施,如关闭门窗、使用除湿器,以减少潮湿带来的不便。   Despite the challenges, the "Huinantian" season also brings a sense of renewal and the promise of spring. It's a reminder of the changing seasons and the cycle of life, as the earth awakens from its winter slumber.   尽管存在挑战,“回南天”季节也带来了更新的感觉和春天的希望。它提醒我们季节的变换和生命的循环,随着地球从冬季的沉睡中苏醒过来。