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  • 惊蛰是中国二十四节气中的第三个节气,通常发生在每年的3月5日或6日。这个节气标志着太阳到达黄经345°。惊蛰意味着春雷开始响起,唤醒了冬眠中的昆虫和动物,象征着自然界的复苏和生长。在这个时期,气温逐渐回暖,雨水增多,农耕活动也开始繁忙起来。


    - Awakening of Insects: 这是惊蛰的英文表达,直译为“昆虫的觉醒”。 - Spring thunder: 春雷,指春季的雷声,是惊蛰节气的一个特征。 - Revival of nature: 自然界的复苏,描述了惊蛰时期自然界的变化。 - Spring farming: 春耕,指在春季进行的农业活动,惊蛰是春耕的关键时期。


    The Awakening of Insects, known as "惊蛰" in Chinese, is the third solar term in the lunar calendar. It usually occurs around March 5th or 6th each year. This term signifies the beginning of spring thunder, which awakens the hibernating creatures and insects from their winter slumber. As the weather warms up and rainfall increases, the earth comes back to life, and agricultural activities become bustling.   During the Awakening of Insects, the temperature gradually rises, and the increased daylight hours encourage the growth of crops. It is a time when farmers are busy with spring plowing and sowing, preparing the land for the upcoming season. In traditional Chinese culture, this period is also associated with various customs, such as using mugwort to fumigate homes to ward off insects and bad luck, and eating pears to moisten the body and prevent coughs.   惊蛰,即“昆虫的觉醒”,是农历中的第三个节气。它通常在每年的3月5日或6日左右出现。这个节气标志着春雷的开始,唤醒了冬眠中的生物和昆虫。随着气温的逐渐升高和降雨量的增加,大地恢复了生机,农作物也开始生长。   在惊蛰期间,气温逐渐上升,日照时间的增加促进了作物的生长。这是农民们忙碌于春耕和播种的时期,为即将到来的季节做准备。在中国传统文化中,这个时期还与各种习俗相关,比如使用艾草熏香家中以驱赶昆虫和霉运,以及食用梨来滋润身体,预防咳嗽。


    1. The Awakening of Insects, or the Start of Spring, marks the time when the first spring thunder awakens the slumbering creatures of winter.


    2. As the earth warms and the days lengthen, the Insects' Awakening signals the beginning of agricultural activities in many regions.


    3. The traditional Chinese solar term of Awakening of Insects heralds a period of increased rainfall and the blossoming of nature.


    4. During the Awakening of Insects, people engage in various customs, such as eating pears to cleanse the body and participating in spring outings to embrace the rejuvenated landscape.


    5. The Awakening of Insects is a reminder to farmers to prepare for the busy farming season ahead, as the land becomes fertile and ready for planting.

