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  • 辞职是指员工主动放弃其职位,结束与雇主的雇佣关系。这通常是通过提交一份正式的辞职信来完成的,其中会包含辞职的日期和可能的原因。辞职的原因可能包括寻求更好的职业机会、工作环境不适、个人健康问题或家庭责任等。在某些情况下,员工可能会提前通知雇主,以便有足够的时间找到替代者。辞职是一个重要的职业决策,可能对个人的未来职业道路产生重大影响。


    1. Resignation - 辞职 2. Resign - 提交辞职 3. Resignation letter - 辞职信 4. Notice period - 通知期 5. Termination of employment - 解雇 6. Job departure - 离职 7. Professional growth - 职业成长 8. Career advancement - 职业发展 9. Work environment - 工作环境 10. Personal reasons - 个人原因 11. Health issues - 健康问题 12. Family commitments - 家庭责任 13. Last working day - 最后工作日 14. Handover - 工作交接 15. Severance package - 解雇补偿金


    Resigning from a job is a significant decision that can impact one's professional journey. It is a step taken after careful consideration of various factors such as career goals, work-life balance, and personal aspirations. When I decided to resign, it was with the hope of pursuing a new opportunity that aligned better with my long-term objectives.   辞职是影响个人职业道路的重要决定。这是在仔细考虑了职业目标、工作与生活平衡以及个人抱负等多种因素后采取的一步。当我决定辞职时,是希望追求一个更符合我长期目标的新机会。   In my resignation letter, I expressed gratitude for the experiences and growth opportunities provided by the company. I also mentioned my intention to leave on good terms and offered to assist with the transition process to ensure a smooth handover. It is important to maintain professionalism and courtesy during this time, as it reflects on one's character and can influence future references.   在我的辞职信中,我表达了对公司提供的经历和成长机会的感激之情。我还提到了我希望以良好的方式离开,并提出协助过渡过程以确保顺利交接。在这个时期保持专业和礼貌是很重要的,因为它反映了一个人的品质,并可能影响未来的推荐。   Leaving a job can be bittersweet, as it involves saying goodbye to colleagues and a familiar work setting. However, it is essential to look forward to the new challenges and opportunities that await. Embracing change and taking risks are part of career development, and I am excited about the prospects of my new path.   离开工作可能是苦乐参半的,因为它涉及到与同事和熟悉的工作环境告别。然而,重要的是要期待即将到来的新挑战和机会。拥抱变化和冒险是职业发展的一部分,我对新道路的前景感到兴奋。