(noun.) an affliction in which some part of the body is misshapen or malformed.
Fain would I run into the crowd for shelter and warmth; but cannot prevail with myself to mix with such deformity. 戴维·休谟.人性论.
I did not yet entirely know the fatal effects of this miserable deformity. 玛丽·雪莱.弗兰肯斯坦.
I do break my promise; never will I create another like yourself, equal in deformity and wickedness. 玛丽·雪莱.弗兰肯斯坦.
The beauty or deformity is closely related to self, the object of both these passions. 戴维·休谟.人性论.
His father, Sir Felix Glyde, had suffered from his birth under a painful and incurable deformity, and had shunned all society from his earliest years. 威尔基·柯林斯.白衣女人.
And virtue is the health and beauty and well-being of the soul, and vice is the disease and weakness and deformity of the soul. 柏拉图.理想国.
Then virtue is the health and beauty and well-being of the soul, and vice the disease and weakness and deformity of the same? 柏拉图.理想国.
I am simply, in my original state--stripped of that blood-bleached robe with which Christianity covers human deformity--a cold, hard, ambitious man. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特.简·爱.
Such is human nature, that beauty and deformity are often closely linked. 玛丽·雪莱.最后一个人.
In like manner, it is the beauty or deformity of our person, houses, equipage, or furniture, by which we are rendered either vain or humble. 戴维·休谟.人性论.
Secondly, I would have anyone give me a reason, why virtue and vice may not be involuntary, as well as beauty and deformity. 戴维·休谟.人性论.
Alas, deformity and female beards are too common in Italy to attract attention. 马克·吐温.傻子出国记.
Pleasure and pain, therefore, are not only necessary attendants of beauty and deformity, but constitute their very essence. 戴维·休谟.人性论.
Thus the beauty of our person, of itself, and by its very appearance, gives pleasure, as well as pride; and its deformity, pain as well as humility. 戴维·休谟.人性论.
No wonder, then our own beauty becomes an object of pride, and deformity of humility. 戴维·休谟.人性论.