Wednesday morning was dawning when I looked out of window. 查尔斯·狄更斯.远大前程.
There may be an opening for him dawning now, or there may be none. 查尔斯·狄更斯.我们共同的朋友.
The sky was without a cloud, and the dawning mystery of moonlight began to tremble already in the region of the eastern heaven. 威尔基·柯林斯.白衣女人.
Day was dawning when they again emerged. 查尔斯·狄更斯.雾都孤儿.
In this way he was taking a most vital part in the progress of those new economic ideas that were dawning into consciousness toward the close of the eighteenth century. 鲁伯特·萨金特·荷兰.历史性发明.
Not that, at leaSt.' She saw, by the dawning look on Loerke's face, that he had understood. 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯.恋爱中的女人.
The prim man was just beginning to have a dawning recollection of the story he had forgotten. 查尔斯·狄更斯.匹克威克外传.
The dawnings, the first developments of peculiar talent appearing within his range, and under his rule, curiously excited, even disturbed him. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特.维莱特.
Especially precious are the first dawnings of power. 约翰·杜威.民主与教育.